I Just Want To Waste My Life!

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"I just want to waste my life!" Lucifer whined, the ends of his purple hair peeking out of his box.

"What's the point of helping you cook, anyway? It's not like I'm any good at it..."

A very exasperated Ashiya sighed. "Even so, at least help set the table." When the shorter of the two didn't get up, he raised his voice. " There's no possible way you can screw that up!"

"Fine, god!" Lucifer grudgingly got up, muttering obscenities under his breath.

Then, he stubbed his toe on the table.

"Ow ow ow ow shit shit shit fuck that hurts I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of that box UUUUHNGPAINNN you fucking fuck Ashiya"

"Please, just do as you're told. I swear, I am this close to having a stroke."

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