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Nibor was screaming with rage. 

That brat didn't die by his hands, just as he had wished. She died of her own choice, and with that vile creature, Hyuk. He slapped things off his desk and threw anything his hands could touch, wrecking his office. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed deeply.

He straightened his clothes and walked all the way down to his secret office below the basement, closing his door as he entered. He sat at his desk and pulled the ancient telephone off the hook in the wall. He dialed the only number it could contact and waited. 

"King Nibor."

"King Han, how are you?" he asked meaninglessly, looking at his precious trophies. "Let's skip the formalities; why did you call? This is used only for emergencies-" "Where is your son, King Han? Prince Hyuk yes?" he interrupted, biting his lip. "What is your concern with my son?" King Han demanded sternly, making King Nibor let out a dry laugh. 

"There's a cavern near your kingdom; it seems to be exactly in my forbidden lands and yours. There's a large broken down structure across from it, the snow covers it up very well and you can clearly see it during my day. We must meet there within the hour," he explained immediately, hanging up after.

He called for guards to get his gear ready, sneaking out his kingdom and beginning the long trek to the described location alone. 

When he arrived he saw the King also arriving. They shared a firm handshake and Nibor lead him to what he wished to show him. 

When King Han saw he froze(Pun intended), his jaw dropping. Because there stood his son locking lips with a girl; except they were frozen. He stumbled closer, tears falling from his eyes. Nibor rolled his eyes. "W-who is she?" Han asked, looking at the cruel king with tearfilled eyes. 

Nibor snorted. "That, is my wife's daughter, or in other words, your son's first lover," he said, walking closer to the lovers with a sneer. "I brought you here to discuss how to get rid of them." 

Han's head snapped up at this, rage evident on his face. "No, we will not destroy them," he stated. Nibor nodded. "I figured you would say that so I already tried to destroy it. It won't break no matter what. It's been here for two days-" 

Nibor fell to the ground with a sharp pain on his face, looking up at the other king with confusion and shock. "You may not care about her, but I care about my son. So show some respect to them both," he growled, making Nibor actually scared. 

Han turned back to the two, his face growing sad. "They felt this was the only way they could be together freely, even if it meant immediate death," Han said, somehow finding it slightly beautiful. 

"Then we leave it. A heavy snowfall is due, and my day will be getting weaker because of it. It should be covered by the end of the month," Nibor said quietly. Han nodded, taking a long look at his son and his lover. 

There was no question about it; they were beautiful. 

Even if they were polars to each other, they were together in the end. 

The two kings shook hands and agreed to never speak of their children to anyone, retreating to their respective homes. 


Centuries have passed, and the heavy snow fall and melting process has completely concealed the love story of Rachel and Hyuk. 


Thank you so much for reading "Polars"!!!! 

Love you all, share this story with someone if you liked it!! BYYYYEEEEE!!!

PS: _Shocker_ I hope you loved this!!!! I love you!!!!!!

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