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Lafayette slung his backpack down onto the bed, letting out of a sigh of content as he threw himself down onto the bed. The bed was so unbelievably comfortable. The memory foam slowly forming around Lafayette's body.
"Comfy?" George said, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed across his chest. Lafayette lifted his head and nodded, smiling brightly.
"Oh yes! It's so soft in comparison to those stiff airplane seats." Lafayette giggled a bit as he laid his head back down against the mattress.
"I do hope so. When I was converting this from my office to your room I did my best to get things that felt homey, ya know?" George smiled politely as he walked over, sitting himself down in an ornate looking chair that sat in the corner of the room.
"You gave up your office so I could move in?" Lafayette's eyes widened. He knew it wasn't much but it still meant a lot that a stranger gave up something for him. Back home he doesn't get much so even the littlest meant a lot.
"I mean, yeah, I did. It wasn't even really an office. It was just a desk with my laptop on top of it." George shrugged a bit with a smiled. Lafayette returned the smiled, looking towards George before pulling himself up from the bed and walking towards George.
"You should take me out to dinner, show me around the city." Lafayette smiled, an excited expression upon his face. This was his first time in America and he couldn't wait to get out and see the town.
"Don't you think it's a little late?" George pushed up his sleeve and peeked down at his silver watch. Lafayette leaned down a little to catch a peek at it.
     "It's only 7:30! That's pretty early in my book." Lafayette said before grabbing George's hand and pulling the American up to his feet.
     "It's not early! We should be getting ready for bed. Not going out to dinner. I don't even think there are restaurants open this late." George grumbled, dragging his feet along as he was pulled out from the guest bedroom.
     "Awe, cmon. We can go get a nice dinner and then we will go home, deal?" Lafayette wished George wasn't so against walking around to the city center but he'd compromise if it came to it.
     "Fine, but if we aren't done by 9 then I swear.." he slowly trailed off, following Marquis out of the door and towards the car.
     Lafayette smirked to himself, having got what he wanted. As Laf approached the black vehicle, he couldn't help but feel giddy inside to be going out with George. He knew that he and George weren't going out, but he was still excited.
     George and Lafayette got into their respective seats and buckled their seat belts (safety first). As George started the car and began to pull his car out of the driveway, Lafayette couldn't help but ponder a few things.
     "Why do you live so close to the campus? I mean aren't all the other houses around here just where a bunch of college students live who don't want to pay for living on campus." Lafayette couldn't see what could be appealing about any of that. Loud music, constant parties, mess, trash. Just all around grossness that Marquis did not want to deal with.
     "I guess I just liked being able to walk to work. And it helped that the house was pretty cheap too." George let out a lighthearted chuckle, driving down a small back road before it opened up onto Main Street.
     Lafayette couldn't help but admiring the quaint and homey feel of the city. It was clearly a city centered around the university, but Laf didn't mind. He loved the idea of the modern yet antique feel of the city.
Not too long after the two men got into the car, they were getting out and approaching a small brick building. It looked a bit shabby from the outside but Lafayette soon regretted those thoughts as he stepped inside.
He gasped as he looked around. The tables were draped with white clothes, the entire restaurant was lit by candles, the silverware and plates that sat upon each table glimmered in the dim lighting. In the corner of the dining area was a large, ornate looking piano along with a cello and a violin. The light music danced into Lafayette's ears, giving the restaurant even more of a romantic feel to it.
"George, this is, just wow." Lafayette covered his mouth as he looked around. George just chuckled and grabbed Lafayette's hand, leading the Frenchman to a table in the corner with a window behind it.
"It's nothing much." George flashed a bright smile before pulling out a chair for Lafayette. The curly headed man blushed a bit as he sat down in the ornate chair. George then sat across from him.
"Nothing much? This place is magnificent!" Lafayette said, looking around the room like a wide eyed kid at a candy story. George couldn't help but smile as Lafayette's cute mannerisms.
      "I mean I thought it be nice to take you to considering the menus are available in French. I was told you can't read English." At that sentence Lafayette began to tear up. He couldn't believe someone would go through this much trouble to accommodate him.
     "Thank you." Lafayette said softly, looking down at his lip before picking up his menu that sat on the table in front of him. He then slowly open up the menu and gasped as he looked down at the menu in all French. He then peaked over at George's menu which was in English.
     "No worries." George said, picking up his menu. What George didn't realize was that Lafayette was secretly crying but he let a few loose curls hide his face. He was just so touched the George did this. Before he knew, he let out a few loose sniffles. That immediately got George's attention.
     "Hey, hey? Are you alright?" George reached across the table before pausing, thinking for a second and then hesitantly placing his hand on top of Lafayette's. "Don't cry, okay?"
     "I.. I'm not crying." Lafayette was a terrible liar. When he would lie he would twirl a piece of his hair with his free hand and look away from the person. George let out a small sigh.
     "You're a bad liar." George chuckled gently. "There's no need to be sad right now. We are supposed to be having a nice dinner and learning about each other." He flashed his star smile and Lafayette instantly felt better. He wiped his eyes before speaking.
     "Im not sad. I'm just so stunned you would go out of your way to find me a, what is it called.. a restaurant that provided menus in French." Lafayette lifted his head and smiled over st George. George smiled back at him.
     Before the two boys realized it, an older woman with the name tag saying 'Darla' stood their in front of their table. George instantly retracted his hand, clearing his throat.
     "Oh you two boys are so precious. You look perfect together." She smiled, pulling out her notepad and a pink pen. "So what can I get you two lovebirds to drink?"
     "Oh we're not dating." George said with a bright smile to Darla before ordering himself a coffee. Lafayette just sighed.
     "I'll have a sweet tea, thank you." He smiled as Darla made her way back to the kitchen. Lafayette put his chin in his hand, his elbow resting on the edge of the table.
     "Can you believe she thought we were dating? That's crazy. We're obviously just friends." George let out a deep laugh.
     'I wish we were dating. That old lady's right, we do look perfect together.' Lafayette thought to himself.
     "Yeah, that's so weird." That's all Lafayette could muster up to say and it didn't help that his cheeks were slowly heating up by the second. 'God, this man has got me helpless.'

1385 words. I am so so so so sooooo sorry that chapter took so long. I just started school and I have been super busy. Thank you guys for waiting, I appreciate it so much. Until next time!

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