Depressed+Punk! Nico x reader

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Heeey guys! Some amazhang persons requested me some punky chapters, one for Nico, one for Leo, and Percy. I decided to start with the Nico one because, well Nico. I just gave it a little twist. hypersomniac- requested this one! THANK YOU!!

Also I think it's important to say that many of the things in this chapter were inspired by Gio Navas' song "Child of death". I loved the song, it's so beautiful. It made me cry so much *goes to a corner and cries Nico tears*

(Pd. I have never write something like this before so I hope it isn't to lame, but if it is please tell me because I don't want you to laugh about me alone, I want you to laugh with me about me not alone)


Your (POV)

I heard it. The screams, the broken cristal, the curses, and then... the tears, the sobs.
It was the most depressing sound in the world. That sound of a soul crushing, dying, trying to scape.

I risked it. I looked through the window. And there he was, curled up in a corner, his head between his legs. His hands pulling at his black hair.
After a few minutes he raised his head looking at the mess around him. He shook his head, as if not believing what he had done, and started cleaning up some broken glass. Then he went to the drawer besides his bed. He took what looked like a picture, some cards, and a small sculpture of a Greek god. He pulled the things to his chest, hugging them tightly. He closed his eyes before the tears could scape, but not before one found its way down his pale face.

Then he looked at the window. I gasped and ducked as fast as I could.
He didn't saw me, didn't he?

I stayed like that, holding my breath, hoping I could go undiscovered, but in less than a minute he was outside.
"What do you think you're doing?" He screamed.
"Sorry, I was just..."
"Go away!" he interrupted before I could give whatever excuse I was thinking about.
I started walking away, but then I said softly:
"If you need anything, know that you can count on me."
"I don't need anything from anyone," he said.
I tried to look at him, but he looked away.
"You don't have to be alone."
"I'm the child of Death, and I," he pointed at himself, "walk alone," he firmly said before walking inside the cabin and slamming the door.
But I knew, I knew that deep inside him, that was the one thing, the ONLY thing, that suppressed him, that destroyed him.

There he was again. Being mean, being rude.
"Don't tell me what I can or can't do!" He screamed at some campers.
When Chiron gave some orders he didn't liked, he just pulled up that middle finger.
Some campers wanted to be like him. 'Free' they said. 'I want to be free to do whatever I want to do.' But they had no idea.
He didn't let anything suppress him.
Nothing can control him.
Rebel is his second name.
But... after what I had witnessed, I couldn't look at Nico di Angelo the same way as before.

The weeks passed, every time I saw Nico I gave him a small smile, but he only returned it with his death glare. I was confused and sad, all because of him. I needed answers, I wanted to help him. I was the only person capable...

I went to the Hades cabin, and I found him again, just like before, but somehow it was more heart breaking. This time, I just couldn't stare trough the window.
I ran inside and knelt at his side placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Nico," I said as softly as I could.
He abruptly cleaned the tears of his face, then pulled away my hand, stood, and said:
"What are you doing here?"
"I... I wanted to help you."
"Why would you want to do something like that!? Get out!" He said turning away to hide the tears that had scape his eyes.
But I stayed like that, my hand starched unsure of what to do. And probably it was a long time, because Nico turned.
"Wasn't I clear?" He said.
"No, I-"
"Oh, you need me to guide you to the door?"
"Please Nico, let me help you." My hand was still stretched, he didn't took it, but also he didn't forced me outside. He just stared at me, the saddest look in his eyes.
Then he looked at my hand, and it was the tiniest movement, but his hand move as if trying to hold it. I hold his, and he hold mine back. He looked at my eyes again, and I could see how hard he was trying to hold the tears.
I didn't knew what to say.
How to act.
What can possibly make him feel better.
So I did the first thing that came to my mind. I hugged him.
And he hugged back. The same boy people had always feared, the bad one, the rebel. He started crying, and I hold him in my arms, I was not going to let him fall apart anymore.
He gripped my shoulders, not able to hold the tears anymore, and he looked directly at me, his sad eyes pleading.
"Tell me (Y/N)," he said "tell me how to numb me heart."
I looked at his eyes, crystallized by his tears, I looked deep into them. They say that the eyes are the doors to the soul, and there was the proof that that was true. Because I saw what he needed, I found the piece of his heart that had been reaped away by all that sadness.
"You don't walk alone," I answered his question. Then I kissed him.

Thanks for reading people!
Percabeth song:

See you in the next chapter!

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