The beginning

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To love is to recognize yourself in another. - Eckhart Tolle

yourself in another... i thought about it all the time but i finished in the same starting point,asking the same question we all ask to ourselves ; what is love? why human beings are so unable to give an answer to a simple question like that.. in my age 13 i learned about it, but i didn't expect to feel so miserable and lost .

13 .. in our heads are just a number , just an age .. but for me it was the time were i learned a lot of things , i learned how to stand up when the whole world was against me ; cannot say it was easy but i tried my best to not give up everyday.. then, everything will changed the day i met my first love ,Dan.

Dan was like a thunder strong , powerful and had a beautiful light that can leave you blind just by staring at him , he indeed was like that, my noisy thunder.Our story with Dan started when i met him through social media , we begun like all did , adding each other and saying hello , i have to admit that i was the one whom fell in love at first sight , surfing on the social media and the friends we had in common i found him , i pretty much stalked him for 3 hours i can remember it ..what i waste of time i thought , 3 days later of having the same routine ; i finally decide to talk add him and be the first one to break the ice.

I said :


Him: Hi..nice to meet you..seems like we have a lot of friends in common ,did we meet before ?

Me: No, never ..but as i became curious i wanted to talk to is okay?

Him:Of course it is okay and im glad you decided to take the first step i wouldnt be brave to do it to be honest.

Me: why? you seem pretty popular on here , i bet you have a lot of girls talking to you everyday right? ( what a stupid question i thought..)

Him: Well.. indeed , but my girlfriend is a little bit jealous type so she doesnt like that i talk to girls on here , so must of the time i ignored them.

Me: So.. what you didnt ignore me ?

Him: As i told you before we have friends in common so id be okay to have a new friend im sure that my gf wont mind about it.

Me: Oh , im glad that you didnt do it..

at that moment i felt like a fool , because i thought i had finally the chance to meet a handsome guy like him, handsome guys have beautiful girlfriends.. like her the evil valkirya. i stopped to talk with him , i knew was wrong talking with a guy that has a girlfriend but i didnt know , all the things will happen soon.

After three days of not login in my social media , i had this weird hunch bothering over and over again , in my mind was only him .. maybe this gonna sound a little bit strange but i felt that he was calling me with his mind and bingo , i logged in and my surprise was a message from him.

Dan: Hey , Juno are you okay? you left without saying goodbye did i say something wrong? Id like to talk again with you . Dan

What , why? he would worry about me ? im just a person he just "met" , i thought..

Ill reply, hmm what can i say? im not gonna tell him the truth lets say a light lie and move on , its not a big deal , okay ill talk to him. when i was about to reply his message he was online and talked to me right away .

Him: Hey , Juno did you read my message ? How are you?

Me: Yes , i did .. Sorry for leaving so sudden got somethings to do .

Him: I was pretty worried to be honest..

Me: Why?

Him: I know is going to sound weird but i felt good talking with you and i actually asked to our friends in common about you.

Me: Really? what did they say?

Him: A lot things that made me want to know more about you , of course if you dont mind .

Me: I see , sure why not would be nice to have a new friend.

Him: Gotta go now , but i hope to talk with you soon Juno , thank you for talking with me.

He logged off..

Gotta go.. where? with his beautiful gf? sigh.. what im even caring about it, its not like i have the right to do it , he is just a "friend" . the next day in the night i had a lot of homework but as i liked to procrastinate a little i decided to log in and talk with some friends from there

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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