The Meadow

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A/N:Hey guys I'm Kira and this is my first FanFic! I actually wrote this a while ago but it was terrible coz I was like 14. I found it recently and I finally got up the courage to post! Anyway, I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment!
The day my heart broke, Edward and I were having a picnic in the most magical place in Forks. It was the place where Edward had taken me during his attempt to share the perks of being a vampire. It was the place where Laurent tried to kill me before being torn apart by the Quileute wolves. We were in our secret meadow, basking in the rare and very welcome sunshine.

The sun felt amazing on my skin. Although I loved Forks, I had desperately missed the blazing sun back in Arizona. Not only was the sun wonderfully warm, it allowed me to experience the long overdue luxury of seeing Edward without a shirt on.

Edward was undoubtedly the most gorgeous being in existence but living in the rain-sodden town that we did, it was a miracle I ever got to see the full extent of it. Aside from the fact that the sun only showed up for, like, a day a year, Edward was a prude who refused to consider doing anything that could POSSIBLY be considered 'ungentlemanly' with me. The most we had ever done was kiss. Don't get me wrong, he was a mind-blowingly good kisser, but as soon as things started heating up he always broke away.

Once, I started undressing during a particularly hot make out session. He ran from the room at vampire speed and silently brooded for two days. Yes, I knew that as a 117 year old vampire Edward had very old fashioned ideas on dating and sex but come on! Regardless of his actual body temperature he had a smoking hot body and I just wanted what I thought was my due as his girlfriend. With all these thoughts running through my head, my eyes never left the object of my inner frustration and passion.

Edward was lying down with his arms behind his head. He glittered like a thousand diamonds in the sunlight. His sparkle made the beautiful flowers seem dull in comparison. As a vampire, Edward had his own special quirks. Sparkling in the sun for one. Another was that he could remain perfectly still for an indefinite amount of time. Carlisle had told me that if left alone, a vampire could stay in the same position, stock still, for decades.

However, his present demeanour was definitely not still, or calm. He was agitated. He kept fidgeting with his collar and his sleeves.

We had been sitting in companionable silence until now, him looking at the clouds while I hungrily looked at him. With a clearing of his throat, Edward broke the silence.

"Bella, we need to talk."

Now, I had watched enough movies to know that those words never boded well, especially coming from your boyfriend. They usually came just before a cheesy break-up scene. However, Edward was not your typical boyfriend and we weren't in a movie. Although Edward was definitely hot enough to be in one. I would so watch a movie with Edward in. My eyes went glassy as I pictured Edward in a movie. He would play the gorgeous male lead, obviously.

Edward sighed, bringing me back down to earth.

"Bella, you know that I have an insatiable appetite for blood."

I nodded slowly, showing I was listening.

"Well, I need to tell you that..." He paused, trying to find the right words.

"I.....I have an insatiable appetite for love as well. I thought you could quench my thirst for love, if not blood. It seems that I was wrong."

His words....They didn't make sense. I tried to speak, but for some reason I couldn't get the words out. Finally I found my voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a choked whisper.

Edward raised his eyes to mine.

"Bella, you smell so great and I will always cherish the times I nearly ate you, but," Edward seemed to be gaining confidence now, "I have found my soulmate. He is my exact opposite in every way and I have come to realise that the loathing I thought I felt for him.... its love Bella!"

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