Chapter 3: Pumpkin

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It took Alex a few minutes to reach the lake. Then he stopped in his tracks as the girls beauty hit him in the face. She was actually a blond hair girl who had a perfect model structure that any man would kill for and the dress she was wearing hugged her body perfectly well. But he couldn't see her face because she was facing towards the lake but her back view was enough for him to want her more. Then suddenly he reached the girl and tapped her shoulder lightly and asked "what are you doing out here alone" the moment he spoke the girl turned and hugged him brushing her cheeks against his chest and she started crying at a moment he was shocked and he didn't know what to do when, his senses came back to him he wrapped his hands around her warmly drawing circles at her back. He knew he was comforting her but a part of him wanted to stay in this position for long he couldn't let go, then suddenly a question smacked his brain "why was she crying?" He just didn't understand why she was crying

Tonight was a beautiful night and the moon shone brightly if they were love birds then this would have been the perfect night, but she was crying, this beautiful lady was crying
"Sorry" she said leaning herself back. "I just got emotional" and she wiped her tears. "Sorry" she whispered. "Why are you crying" Alex didn't know why but it was something that drew him close to her he knew it wasn't because she was crying but he felt like he wanted to protect her from even the smallest tiny bite that bit her delicate smooth body.
"Is none of your business" she whispered again.
"So far as you have used my body as your comforting zone, I have the right to ask you why you are crying" Alex smiled to himself knowing that he has got her cornered
"Fine then, the thing is ...." she caught off and sniffed then she continued "I was fired just right now because of a mistake I made that's the reason why am crying"
"You sure??" Alex was really smart and he could also tell when others were lying especially women and he could tell she was lying "Why do you say that?" she whispered again as if all she could do was whisper
"I can tell that's half of the reason why you are crying, perhaps is even quarter of the reason why you are crying" she looked at him in surprise at what he said. "Anyway I don't even know you so why should I tell you what is troubling me" she turned and continued looking at the lake.

"Fine if that's the problem then let's know each other" Alex contributed seeing that the place was suddenly quiet.

"I don't want to know you" she whispered again
" Really I bet you are dying to know me"
"I know you enough"
"Sure?" Alex asked doubting her
"Yes" again the whispers. "I know you that well you are just a Playboy who wants me on your list for this month or maybe this week when you are than using me you would dump me and leave me alone broken hearted
"Really is that what you think?" Alex asked. "Yea that's what all playboys do" she replied
"Is that why you drive them away because you don't want your heart to be broken?" Alex asked with a serious voice "No I just dnt want to fall in love with anyone who doesn't deserve my love" she said explaining herself
"You know, you are gorgeous" Alex said. He had really wanted to say that but he didn't know how to say it but it just slipped 0ut and he noticed that her cheeks suddenly became red, she was blushing
"You know you look beautiful when you blush" Alex said complimenting her.
"What! am not blu... What? you are just imaging things" she said a little bit shy.
"Fine buh I know what I saw. S0 far I can say you like something about me and you cant say it" Alex said trying to make her open up.
"Fine then I wanted to tell you that you look... you look ugly when you are flirting" she said giggling and started walking away.
"What! ... I'm not ugly" Alex said "Wait" he continued and run and caught up to her.
"Why won't you go back to Join the party" he asked
"Because I don't want to" she replied
"At least I know I'm not the 0nly person who hates the party it just so boring I can't imagine which human being planned this party"
The moment he said those words she opened her mouth in an '0' shape and she finally managed to say " I planned that party"
"What you?"
"Yes Mr Blake Patterson Roy is my boss and am his personal assistant he was busy so he told me to plan the party for him I didn't know it was that bad" she said looking sad
"What I meant to say ... I mean ... I was like ... the thing is um .. What!!!" They just met and he had already screwed things up. Upon all his life time he had flirted with a girl he never has insulted them like this.

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