Chapter 23

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"I'm not looking forward to it at all," Lucy said. She was in Seth's hotel room, lying on the bed, wearing nothing but her underwear. Her lover had just walked out of the bathroom, now dressed just in his boxers.

"Thanks," Seth said, feigning offense as he joined her on the bed. "I've never had someone talk about the prospect of having sex with me like that before. It doesn't do much for a guy's confidence."

Lucy rolled her eyes. "I didn't mean that. You know I hate having to wait to get my hands on you. All this sneaking around is so fucking frustrating. I nearly said fuck it and came to your room last night, I was so horny."

"You should have," Seth said, thinking back to his own night of frustration. A couple of nights together each week was not going to work as a long-term thing, but he knew he would be fighting a losing battle if he decided to bring up the possibility of going official with their relationship. She did have good reasons for that though, and it was quite soon, he had to admit.

"I ended up having to have some fun by myself," Lucy said, teasing him with her tone as well as the words she chose.

"There's an image," Seth said, feeling himself begin to get turned on.

"I could have sent you a video if I'd have thought," Lucy said, knowing she had him fully on the hook.

"Now you're just teasing," Seth protested, rolling over and starting to gently kiss the side of her neck.

"No, I really would have sent you a video," Lucy lied.

"Well you don't need to do it yourself tonight," Seth breathed, sliding his hand into her underwear.

When the first orgasm of the night was over, they lay side by side once more, relaxing. "So, what were you talking about?" Seth asked after a few moments, looking up at the ceiling.

"Huh?" Lucy said, glad to be getting her breath back.

"You were complaining about not looking forward to something. What were you talking about?"

"Oh, that," Lucy sighed. "I was talking about the bloody photo shoot I've got to do with Sasha Banks tomorrow. I'm really not looking forward to it."

Seth turned his head so that he was looking at her. "I thought you kissed and made up Monday night? You told me the meeting went well, and you and Sasha even shared a joke about being a tag team on your way back to the locker room."

"We did, and we did," Lucy said. "But that doesn't mean I'm suddenly looking forward the idea of spending a morning with her. It's not like I can just click my fingers and be like, 'Yay, let me into the Sasha Banks fan club,' is it? For all I know, we could end up getting into an argument again. I'm not to take any shit from her, that's for sure. I don't take it from anyone else, so she's not going to be any different."

"Just so long as you don't start getting confrontational with her," Seth warned her. "I know what you're like by now, if you get in one of your moods."

"I'll get in a mood with you if you carry on like that," Lucy threatened him, albeit playfully.

"Bring it on," Seth said, grinning. "Seriously, though, try and look forward to it. Glass half full, you know?"

"Hmmm," Lucy said doubtfully. She then set all thoughts of Sasha Banks aside. There were much better things to think about. "Right now, I'm looking forward to something else," she purred, rolling over and straddling Seth.

"Me too," he assured her.

Lucy had felt pleased with herself when she arrived at the studio for the photo shoot as it had appeared that he had arrived before Sasha Banks. She spent a couple of minutes introducing herself to two people WWE had hired for the shoot, a male photographer and a female makeup artist. Unfortunately for Lucy's competitive nature, when she walked through to the changing area to put on her ring attire, she found Sasha just emerging from one of the cubicles, already changed.

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