10 ; a non-texting chapter !

68 15 3

p h i l ;

i woke up to a bright light, making me shut my eyes again. i heard quiet voices around me; whispering it seemed like. i opened my eyes once again and sat up.

"mr. lester! you're awake! how ya feelin'?" a nurse asked me. i was so confused, but i decided to speak.

"i'm fine, thanks. why am i here?" i asked, confusion lacing my words.

she gave me a sympathetic smile, "you got hit by a car, it wasn't too bad. do you remember anything?"

memories came rushing back to me in an instant, giving me a headache. i grimaced and held my head in my hands, taking a seat on the bed. i nodded and frowned. she, again, gave me a apologetic smile and walked out of the room.

i saw my phone sitting on the bedside table and i picked it up. notifications came rolling in, and i wasn't too surprised to see who they were from.


i chuckled and decided to respond to them later on. i laid down on my bed, and closed my eyes.

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