Night at the Experience

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It was getting late, which meant it was almost time for work to start. It would be my last night as the curiator for the Doctor Who Experience. The five year lease the BBC had on the place was coming to an end; I don't think anyone was happy about it.

The last few stragglers were packing up their things for the last time. A few told me goodbye as they left. Some even told me I was lucky to get the chance to spend the night there. Jamie took one last look at the experience, before leaving with a heavy sigh. By then it was just me.

As soon as I heard the doors shut, locking into place, I headed down the hall with my torch in hand. I went up two floors, directly to the wax figure of the Eleventh Doctor that stood in front of the mannequins of the other Doctor's.

I sat down in front of it, pointing my torch up at it's emotionless face. I sighed a little. Everything here would be put into storage tomorrow morning. Part of me would have really enjoyed sitting there for an eternity, just..., staring. The sunlight was waning, the last bit of it barely touching the Wax Doctor's feet. I checked my watch, it was around 8:00.

After a few minutes of my routine sit, I stood, starting my first walk through the museum that would last till 8:45. I passed through the Tenth Doctor's TARDIS, trying not to dawdle like I usually would. From there I passed some of the Cyberman heads and....

I stopped. Out of the corner of my eye; something moved. I flashed my torch towards the heads. All of them were still. I rose an eyebrow, coming up close to the little Cybermat squeezed between them. After a minute, I moved on feeling slightly ridiculous. It wasn't like anything in this museum was real. It couldn't hurt me.

From there, I passed the life sized Cyberman, keeping a keen eye on them as well. Then the Daleks, and some of the lesser one off monsters. Nothing of note happened till I sat down at the front desk after my first round. I propped my feet up, tapping my fingers against the desk. It was completely dark outside now. I sighed. This job was great and all, but it could get really boring after the first couple of hours. Usually I could keep myself entertained with something, but my mind kept drifting to other things.

I fell asleep at some point, because I found myself shocked awake by what sounded like glass breaking. I got to my feet quickly, staying very quiet as I waited to see if whatever was making noise was either close by, or still off breaking things. Two minutes later and everything was still quiet so I moved into the bulk of the experiences lower floor. The sound seemed to come from the prop section by the..., sonic's? I turned down the hall to find the case the screwdriver's were in, broken into.

In slight shock and appallment I moved forward. There was a signpost toppled over next to the broken case. The heavy base was most likely the 'weapon' used the break into it. I shone my torch at the sonics, stepping over the glass. Peering inside two screwdriver's were missing. The Eleventh and Tenth/Ninth Doctor's sonics were gone.

Another unusual noise came from behind me. Feverishly, I spun around, shining my torch around. My first assumption was the 'sonic stealer' had to be some type of crazed fan that was taking their last chance to steal the valuable items before they were locked away in storage.

"Hello?" I called out, trying to keep my voice from quivering. I saw a vague shadow move near the First Doctor's TARDIS console set. "Look," I gulped, flashing my light over to them, "I don't want to hurt you." They backed farther into the console as I neared them. "If you'll just tell me why you're here, I'm sure we can-"

They growled.

"E-excuse me?" I furrowed my brow, still walking towards them. Then I noticed something else missing. That thing in the corner of your eye, it was always in the corner, just almost out of reach. I stopped dead in my tracks, flashing my torch over.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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