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         Paris spent the next fifteen minutes narrating her chronicles to the trio. There were lots of ooh's and ah's, a series of tsk's and oh no's (majority courtesy of Liz, dramatic as ever). Bubbles was silently nodding and listening to Paris' every sentence. The Bad Hatter cut more slices of cake to everyone's plates.

         "Is he really evil? Do you think he's someone capable of hurting my brother?" Paris was getting real paranoid in each second that passes without her brother. What kind of big sister was she? Who allows a little boy with a grown man? "What if the Prince corrupts him?"

         "Based from what my acquaintances report to me, the Purple One is one very meticulous individual." Said Bubbles. "He does not want to waste his artistic time for trivial matters. He invites the golden and dismisses the common."

         "Hold up there," interrupted Liz, "whaddya mean invites the golden and dismisses the common?"

         Bubbles produced a pocketbook dictionary from somewhere and popped open a page. "Let's see—ah!" He squinted trying to read the small words, "golden can mean: successful. Above the normal. Special. Royalty. People born into fame. Does your brother fit in any of these descriptions, dear lassie?"

           Paris cannot give a straight answer. She's very much confused about her present state. She also worries for her brother's safety. She thinks she remembers flashes of cameras, paparazzi, and constant state of hiding under masks and blankets...

          Blanket... Wait. Is that word significant?

          "Oh, I can only imagine what horrors the Prince has laid upon the mind of that poor poor lad!" Bubbled wore a mask of regress that only made Paris' spirits sink in despair.

         "Hey, Bubbles," Hatter scolded him, "don't say stuff like that. Can't you see you're scaring Pumpkin?" The Hatter patted scaredy Paris' shoulder. "By the way, whatcha baby brother's name, applehead?"

        Oh shit, his name, Paris thought. I don't remember my baby brother's name! Dammit! Her head's starting to throb painfully. She was forcing her brains for information that has been lost. This wouldn't happen if not for that stupid Prince! Prince... "That's it!" Paris eyes widened in realization, "Prince! That's my brother's name."

          "That's original," muttered Liz, "Of course he had to be named Prince. No wonder the Purple One wanted him. He's a prince!"

          "If he's a prince as well, then you must be a princess?" Asked the chimp, "are you?"

          "Very funny. Nope. But I am in my father's eyes."

          "So what now? Are we just going to chat about father's and daughters? Mine sold my youth for gold. Talk 'bout being a princess, huh."

          The Bad Hatter twisted his chair and sat on it (very stylishly). "Children are our priority. We must protect their welfare and innocence. The Prince can be a, er, sexy man, as Liz said, but I do not think the Prince is that kind of person who harms a child. Regardless, we must save the little Prince from the Purple One before it's too late."

           "You know I'm always with you, your Badness." Bubbles bowed in respect. Liz smiled approvingly.

          That very moment that Paris revealed her goal of finding his brother, Bubbles the chimp, Elizabeth Taylor and the Bad Hatter all agreed to help her in her search.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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