One Complicated Situation

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It's ya boi Lance
I'm back
Abroad is finally finished and I wrote this bs a couple days ago.
K enjoy you little gremlins

Lance sighed, eyes wandering over to the boy who sat diagonal from him.
It was odd that he'd already been in school for almost two weeks and still didn't know his name.

He was completely captivated. Lance specifically liked his long hair, (he'd never seen someone who can actually look good with a mullet) and he could see that he was doodling on the margin of his paper.


The bell startled him and he grabbed his backpack.
"Don't forget your homework due Wednesday!"
"Yeah, yeah, got it, teach."

"Lance?" He turned to the teacher. "See me, please."
He slowly walked over to the middle-aged man, attempting to keep it cool. "What's good, Hamey?"

"Your reading proficiency test score was very alarming." Mr. Hamey said, louder than he needed to.
Lance felt a flare of defensiveness and embarrassment. He turned to see The Boy™ looking right at them, still on his way out the door, eyes slightly wide. His response came out angry and clipped. "Yeah, that's because I didn't get enough time to do it."

"The rest of the class finished it before the class period ended."
"Yeah, well, I'm not 'the rest of the class.'" He then whispered under his breath, "And I'm not dumb, either."

"I've had conversations with your teachers from both freshman and sophomore year and they both agree that you have a behavior problem, and do not like to do your work. They also told me you were always behind the class. Maybe you should consider taking a fundamental class?"

"Fundamental? I'm doing good at the other things, aren't I? I just work at a different pace!" Lance was starting to get angry, fingers tapping at his side rhythmically.
"Catch up, McClain...or we'll have to talk with your guidance counselor about switching classes."

Lance felt a sudden chill. That was most definitely a threat. His guidance counselor was not someone he was fond of. He was very inconsiderate and Lance knew for a fact that he was biased against LGBT+ people, was religiously intolerant, and didn't give a damn about any of the kids in the school.

His guidance counselor made him very nervous.

"I'll try to do my best." Lance muttered in defeat.
Mr. Hamey looked satisfied, smug, even. "Good. Do you need a pass for your next class?"
"No. I have first lunch." Lance shot him a death glare when he turned his back.

He marched through the hallway, shoving his book copy of Hamlet into his backpack, muttering angrily to himself, "Of course I flunked that fucking reading test, I'm fucking dyslexic. I'm not good at that shit. I bet no one else in that god damn classroom can play a level 5 NYSSMA snare solo as a sophomore and get a perfect fucking score." Tears began to blur his vision, his anger skyrocketing. On top of all of that, now The Boy™ thought he was stupid.

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