Chapter I - Flaming Star

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Long ago...our world was a dark, empty space...lost, in an endless void. Death and destruction were the only things apparent in all the world.

The darkness shifts.

Then...from a rift in the darkness...

The darkness splits, revealing a wall of brilliant, shimmering golden light.

Five great gods came into this world...

The rift widens, and five human shaped figures, emblazoned in light, blast from the opening, leaving tails like burning comets.

Arcus...the god of energy...with his all-seeing eyes, pierced through the darkness...and brought light to the world. Darkness...was replaced by light.

One of the figures flies high above the others, and brilliant lights are scattered through the darkness. They settle and become stars in a night sky.

Sylvys...the god of material...with his strong hands, brought the earth and seas into existence. Void...was replaced by matter.

One figure stops in the darkness, and as the others circle around it, an immense orb of earth is formed. The earth is filled with seas, and the planet settles between the wall of stars.

Animo...the god of natural life...with great regard to planning, created all the plants and animals of the world. Death...was replaced with life.

Another figure flies around the surface of the new world, and everywhere it flies, forests grow from the earth. The world is covered in plants and animals of every kind.

Ferrum...the god of artificial development...with his talent for creation, gave rise to the civilizations and peoples...that would uphold the order of the world. Destruction...was replaced by creation.

Yet another figure circles the planet, and entire cities are built from the ground in its wake. Civilizations are formed all across the lands.

And Ki...the god of will...gave the peoples of the world the strength and willpower to accomplish anything. And the shadows of doubt and fear in the hearts of men...were replaced with light. Hatred...was replaced by love.

The last of the comets flies above the planet, and in a flash of light, two great orbs of light are formed. The two lights are pushed to opposite sides of the planet, and the sky around the greater light is painted a bright blue. They settle amongst the stars and become the sun and moon.

At last...the five gods of creation had finished their labors...and the world as we know it was completed.

The five comets return to the rift, and fade into the golden light as the rift closes back to darkness.

And the Five, the creation of their new world completed, departed for the heavens.

"Thus is the story passed down among the peoples of this world."


"For all the aeons since the creation, I have served as guardian of this world. I was tasked with the timeless watch over all the worlds of the Bridge. I am the Eye."

An old man sits centered atop a wide, hexagonal black platform. The platform sits on empty space, and is surrounded on all sides only by a starry black sky. A gold arrow pattern traces the outline of the platform, and points from the corners to the center of the platform where the man sits.

The man's body is completely enveloped by a long dark cloak, with a starry design to match the sky around him. His face is covered by long silver hair and beard, so that only left eye, black and hazy, is shown through the hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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