1. The Wall

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" Aw, come on Ava. Don't be a chicken. " Jerry stands there with a smug smirk growing on his face.

I don't know how it came to this. The frown upon my face must've been noticeable because Jerry shoves the spray can into the palm of my hand and points to the wall with a frustrated look.

" If you don't do this you can kiss the Art School scholarship goodbye. " Jerry waves his hand in the air for effect.

Sighing, I give in. This had better be worth it. Stepping towards the church wall, I imagine what I am going to spray before I get to work.

A sharp, rasping cough startles me. I turn around thinking it is only Jerry but instead, standing there is a very grumpy looking priest, clad in white, with a purple outer robe and long, golden crucifix dangling below his greying beard, staring at the wall behind me.

I look back at the wall, checking to see if the old man can see something I cannot. I scan the design, my eyes resting briefly on each detail seeing my piece of art as if it was the first time: the bold colours that make the artwork pop, the mixture of colours swirling around as if it's, it's own kind of rainbow, the big bold wording " Love is all you need " standing out in front of the colour mixture, the' o's designed as peace signs calling out to me, to look deeper into the meaning.

A dark frown spreads across his face. He stands, hands on hips leering at the wall.

"You can't be serious," he mocks, pointing towards the long drips of green mingling with the red blobs. Jerry was trying not to laugh, his hand covering his mouth as his shoulders shook violently.

Kicking at the ground, thinking of ways to get out of this, I can't lose my chance to get into art school. It's my all time dream, but this wasn't my fault.. If Jerry hadn't pushed me into this neither of us would be in this situation at the moment. I can not have a criminal record if I want to get into art school.. Sorry Jerry.

" Uhm, This isn't what it looks like Father.. Jerry peer pressured me into doing this.. See I really wanted to go to-" The Priest stuck up his hand to stop my nonsense rambling.

" Can you please explain how it's this young man's fault? " A look of frustration appeared on the priest's face, Jerry was glaring holes into my face, it took all my will power not to look at him.

" As I was saying Father, I really want to get into Art School it's been my lifelong dream since I can remember, Jerry here said that he could help me get into the school if I did something for him, me being my naive self took up his offer to find myself here today. " I let out a shaky breath not daring to look Jerry's way. The priest was in deepthought, his brain churning away at the new information, his face looked stricken with the fact that he has to deal with this situation.

I shift from one leg to another, getting nervous I could still feel Jerry burning holes into my face. Don't look at him Ava, you'll take everything you just said back. Instead I looked at my feet, waiting for the priest to make up his mind.

" Okay, What's your name girl? " The priest looks at me with intensity that made my knees feel weak. Knowing that I give him my real name it could be a vulnerability, he'd have something on me if the cops came. Frowning I gather up the courage to speak, my palms shaking and filled with nervous sweat.

" My name is Ava, Father.. " I look up to meet his eyes. He scrunched up his eyebrows and licked his lips, which were pressed in a thin line. You can tell that what I did here today has really disappointed him. He let out a shaky cough before he replied again.

" Well Ava, I believe your story. But if you're lying you've just sent a young man to jail who is innocent. " Letting out a small gasp, my eyebrows raising. To jail? Oh my.. Slowly I look towards Jerry who instead of covering up his laughs, looks beyond mad. His stance is all rigid, his fists clenched to his sides and his jaw bone tight.

" JAIL?! " Jerry shouts in disgust, he walks towards me with a burning hatred. Thankfully the priest held his arm so he couldn't reach me. I really thought I was going to die. Stepping backwards against the now dry wall I hold my breath.

" Yes jail, because you peer pressured Ava into doing this you'll get the fine whereas she will just get the four hundred dollar fine for being a "witness". " I frown, there's no way i'm going to be able to afford that. My family is broke enough as it is, why did I let Jerry drag me into this?


This started off as a short story for school, I hope you enjoy ;D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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