Chapter 2

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I wake up and shower. I put on a short tight purple dress and black converse.

Pete:"Damn, you keep looking this good and I'm going to have just take you right here."

CiCi:"Um, thanks."

He lifts me up on the counter, and pulls me close to him. He kisses my neck softly and bites down hard enough to leave a mark. I moan lowly.

Pete:"Knew you were kinky, sweetheart."

He runs his thumb across my lip, and looks me in the eyes.

Pete:"You're so gorgeous."

Trent:"Could you guys not fuck on the sink?"

CiCi:"We weren't going to-"

Pete:"Calm down."

Trent:"Do act like that's not something you would do, Pete."

Pete:"You got me there." I jump down and wait for everyone else to get ready.

CiCi:"Are we taking 2 cars or what?"

Pete:"Yeah, ride with me."


Pete:"Don't act like you don't love being with me sweetheart."

CiCi:"I don't."

Pete:"We'll see about that."


As I'm opening the truck, and putting the bags in, Pete comes up behind me. He runs his hand up my leg.

Pete:"Wouldn't it be so hot, if we just fucked right here."

CiCi:"Um, we have to go, don't we."

He turns me to face him.

Pete:"I just like to mess with ya."

CiCi:"I can tell, but stop."

Pete:"Let's go."

I go sit in passenger's seat and we start driving to the meeting spot. Once we get there, Pete takes the bags out.

CiCi:"Why do you like to mess with me?"

Pete:"Because, I love the way you squirm, and the way you moa-"

CiCi:"You have not heard me moan for real."

Pete:"Not yet, sweetheart. I'm going to have you, you know that right?"


Pete:"Already coming around to the idea? Good."

CiCi:"Shut up."

Pete:"Why don't you make me?"

William Regal:"Now that you all are here, I want to give a run down of what we're doing. There are 3 buses sort the numbers out yourself, and let's have some great shows."

All of the United Kingdom wrestlers get on the last bus and I sit next to Pete.

Tyler:"We don't have any more seats and I'm not sitting on that other bus."

He looks at me and I know why.

CiCi:"I am not doing that."

Tyler:"Its just for the ride, and you want me on this bus right?"

CiCi:"Fine." I sit on Pete's lap so Tyler can sit next to him.

Tyler:"Good thing we have a big bus."

Pete:"Good thing you didn't have a seat." He winks at me and I roll my eyes. I lean aganist the window and play games on my phone.

We all talk and share stories throughout the ride until it starts to get late. Everyone starts to fall asleep expect me and Pete.

CiCi:"You think we got a long time until we get there?"

Pete:"Shouldn't be much longer, before we go to the hotel."

I lay back on his chest, and he wraps his arms around my waist.

Pete:"This is pretty nice, sweetheart."

CiCi:"Don't call me sweetheart."

Pete:"Why not? I bet you taste sweet."

I blush and try to cover it.

Pete:"I think I affect you a lot more than you care to admit."

CiCi:"You don't, I'm just tired and cold."

Pete:"Okay. I'll let you believe what you want."


He kisses my neck softly and bites down in several places and I try not to moan.

Pete:"You know I can take really good care of you, right?"

The bus stops and the lights come on. Once, everyone starts waking up, I quickly sit up.

We get off the bus and I room with Mark, Tyler, Trent and Pete.

CiCi:"Damn, these rooms are huge and so nice."

Pete:"Sharing a bed with me, sweetheart?"

I roll my eyes and lay my stuff down. Everyone pretty much falls asleep, so I decided to have a quick shower.

I get out and put on some comfortable clothes. I lay down in bed.

~Later that night~

"Pete, please"

He kissess up my thighs teasing me again. He slowly circles his tongue around my cilt. I moan l-

I jolt awake and sit up. Great, just what I needed. I look over and everyone is still asleep. Okay, so I'm sexually frustrated, and possibly interested in the worst guy ever. I've never even had a wet dream before.

After a hour or so if tossing and turning I finally go back to sleep.

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