Boyf Riends (Be More Chill)

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"Where's Jeremy?" Michael walked around the party, pushing through the pitiful children, the drunk and the high. Rich shrugged, as he lit a few matches. He stumbled into Jenna. "If you're looking for Jeremy he's in Jake's parents room." She smiled, casually leaving out the part that he was probably fucking Brooke. Michael nodded a thanks and ran upstairs straight to the parents room ((hmmm why does he know this house so well? ( ͡°͜ʖ╮͡° ) HeHeHeHaHaH*coughs*))
He slammed open the door to see Jeremy with his pants around his ankles and. "DONT LOOK DOWN YOU MIGHT GET A BONER SHIT SHIT" Michael muttered to himself before turning around and running to the bathroom.
"Fuck my fucking life, I gotta go." Jeremy ran out after Michael, pulling up his pants along the way. He stopped at the door. "And I'll get replaced by a newer cooler version of me." Michael drifted off into quiet sobs. "Michael?" Jeremy knocked gently on the door and slumped to the ground.   "Are you okay in there?"
Michael sniffled
"Can you open the door please" Jeremy heard scuffling and the sink turning on splash splash splash splash. Michael opened the door and pulled Jeremy in, closing the door quickly.
"So you like Brooke now?"
"No, my squip made me be with her..."
"Can I tell you something?"
"Of course" Jeremy playfully punched Michael's shoulder.
"I ran out because I like you... As in like like, like I love you I mean." Michael looked at the floor and slumped down, Jeremy sat down next to him, leaning Michael's head on his shoulder.
"I didn't know you liked guys... You should have told me." Jeremy ran his fingers through Michael's hair and wrapped an arm around the smaller boy's body.
"You-I thought you would hate me."
"You're my player one. Don't you know that you are my favorite person?"
Jeremy continued running his hands through the other boys hair.
"Is it really true... I'm your favowite pewson?" They chuckled, the sort of chuckle full of love. You could practically hear the admiration in each others voices. Michael smiled dreamily.
Jeremy leaned over and kissed Michael softly, savor in the taste of Michael's lips, the sensation of skin on skin. Slowly he pulled away. Michael smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek. Jeremy kissed the tear and wiped it away. "I love you"
Michael sniffled and buried his head into Jeremy's arms. Jeremy blushed happily. "I love you too."

Than Jared Kleinman came out of the shadows and said "want some bath bombs? They're CrOnChY"

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