1 stage of the breakup

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Why do you ignore me? Not even look at me? Are you guilty, why? I was the selfish one in the relationship, I let it all go with you thinking like i had no care in the world, but I have a great care. Much more then you believe, and yet I lost you because of what i am, I still dream of you. But these dreams are different, you're with other people, giving them all your traits in your wonderful personality; creative, sweet, bravery, ambition, and even a mooch. Even your negative traits are still better then anyone's I have ever seen. It's funny because I never even cried, and I think i know why.
When I thought i was alone you were there.
When I wanted to gossip about something stupid you were there.
When I thought about who's shoulder to cry, playfully punch, or to rest my head on you were there.
But now I feel like I have no one, you would say I have friends, but you weren't a friend, you was someone I trusted deeply; More than my parents, my grandparents, and even myself, I don't want to make this sound cheesy, but right now, like exactly right now. I feel numb, and aggravated, sometimes emotionless, you were my first heart break, and hopefully my last. This letter is over, but I wanted to give you a P.s.
Thank you for the memories you shared with me, thank you for the responsibilities you shared with me, and thank you for helping me complete this chapter of my life. I hope you have a great life, and career ahead of you.

Okay I know all of this is poorly written, but I can't help it. I can't say this to my ex, spilling this here though helps.... so thanks for reading.

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