Chapter 2

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***Stella, six years later***

"Come on Tommy! I want to master Dark Arts! Please teach me more!" I begged.

"Fine. Which Unforgivable curse? Cruciatus or Imperius?"

"Killing Curse!"

This is the second time Tommy is teaching me Dark arts. He teaches me everything he knew last time, but now he doesn't want to. Tommy hesitated a little when I asked for the Killing Curse lesson.

Apart from that, he became so good to me. He even brought me to a place called Diagon Alley to buy me a wand. I also bought potion things so he can teach me potion-making.

Dark arts is amazing. I've been practising curses, hexes and jinxes on animals. Good thing I don't have the Trace thingy. No Ministry people knows I'm doing underage magic(A/N: Tom told her everything he knows about the Wizarding World).

I managed to do everything Tom can, from spells to potions. But I think he doesn't want me to be as powerful as him. Too bad I already am.

"Alright. Summon a bird or something. I can't do magic outside Hogwarts, remember?"

I summoned a bird from a treetop. Sorry little birdie. I just want to learn. I'm going to be the best witch ever. The most powerful.

"I'll teach you the Killing Curse, but it has a consequence. Don't you ever dare me "Tommy" ever again."

"Hmm, okay. What will I call you then?" I asked.

"Voldemort," he answered.

"It's too long for me," I smiled. "I'll just call you...'Voldy'..."


He told me the spell, Avada Kedavra. I had to try pronouncing it many times before I had it right. I pointed my wand to the bird and said the spell.

The bird screeched and fell to the floor. Tommy, I mean Voldy poked it and smiled.


"That's all you're going to say? I'm not as awful as your schoolmates, am I Voldemort?" I snapped. "Where did you get that name anyway?"

"Here, I'll show you."

He got a piece of parchment and wrote:

Tom Marvolo Riddle

"You see, I hate father's name. I'm named after him. You're lucky your not named after anyone in the family," Voldy explained. "So I made up my own name...there."

On the parchment was an anagram of Voldy's real name:

I am Lord Voldemort

"I am going to be the most powerful dark wizard ever. And the whole Wizarding World will fear me. They will fear the mere mention of my name."

"Sorry to ruin your dreams," I laughed. "But I won't fear you. I'm still going to call you Voldy."

At first he glared at me. Then he laughed.

"And you are still going to be Voldy's 'lil sister," he grinned.

I was shocked. I never knew that this git will ever smile. Let alone laugh.

I've been planning to go to Hogwarts. Maybe I will when I'm 16.

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