vampire knight zero x reader

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Zero and (name) were walking around outside after the night class went to class and the day class went to sleep. (name) was a pure blood but she had never known. She more human than anything but a pure blood nothing less. They survey the property in case any of the students are out. (name) sighs softly tired, she rubs her eyes her (h/c) hair was slightly messy.

Zero glances at (name) and held a smile back. To him she looked so cute drowsey. He looked away to smile softly. He knew she was a pure blood but didn't tell her in case he lost her, he also knew that she was more human than vampire at this moment. Even though he wouldn't admit it he loved her. Someone like him. An outcast.

(name) looks at Zero as he turns his head. She smiles to herself. She felt safe with Zero, she knew he’d never purposely hurt her. She pokes him and runs. “YOUR IT ZERO” she yelled over her shoulder. She was a quick thang, zero looks at her and raises his brow. Her smile was contagious and he soon found himself running after her trying to catch her,

The headmaster watches them from his window smiling. It made him happy when zero smiled like that. Someone makes zero happy. And honestly he thought they looked cute together. He leans on the window frame watching them chase each other yet doing their duty.

Zero saw something from the corner of his eye, he opened his mouth to tell (name) but the thing launched itself at angel. Zero tried getting to her first but the level 0 got to angel and attacked her. Blood splattered. Zeros eyes widened as he saw (name) collapse blood pooling around her. His head snapped up as he killed the level 0 pissed. The scent of (name) attracted the night class outside. Some of their eyes went wide as they looked at the scene in front of them.

Zero with zero mercy killed the level 0 then he ran back to (name) he fell onto his knees and held her head in his arms not caring about the blood. Kaname ushered the night class inside. Headmaster rushes outside with the nurse. He gasps horrified at the scene in front of him. The level 0 was in pieces, zero was holding onto (name) for dear life trying to stop the bleeding without any luck. (name) was pale, eyes unfocused as she watched zero.

The nurse knelt by them and unbuttons (name) uniforms taking her top off. She looked at the large wounds on her torso and shoulder. She cleaned the wounds and applies pressure to stop the blood flowing, zero helps talking to (name) tears in his eyes. He was scared. (name) fell unconscious she was numb.  Headmaster “let's get her in the infirmary… were gonna need someone to do something about the blood.

Zero picks (name) up. One arm on the top of her back. The other under her knees. He leaned her on him and runs in. his faint heartbeat strong with fear. He didn't want to lose her. He couldn't lose her. He whispers in (names) ear begging her to wake up. The nurse ordered zero to put her down on the bed and the nurse instantly began to work on the wounds,  headmaster looked at zero, he saw his puffy red eyes, his eye color was red from the smell of her blood but he didn't feel thirsty. Headmaster put his hand on zero's shoulder “you shouldn't be here, with this much blood” zero looked at him “i'll be fine. I need her to be alright.

As the days went by zero stayed by (names) bed watching her. He would brush her hair and read to her. He’d hold her hand and beg for her to wake up. He had his blood tablets and food brought to him. (names) condition was worsening and zero knew he wouldn't be the same without her. He kept her favorite songs on for her.

A  few week had past and (name) would soon wake up. But for now she was in the coma. Her condition was stable. She had the paleness of the a vampire. Her hair had brought on a shine that only purebloods held. Zero knew that she had changed but still he stayed her side. He finally broke down sobbing he laid his head on her chest “i'm sorry (name) i couldn't protect you…. I love you human or not. You’ll always be my (name)

names) now red eyes opened. She stayed silent. She laid her hands on his head a slight frown on her lips Zero. i love you to” zero looks up at her eyes wide. Her skin was still warm. He grins and hugs her tightly “you're awake! I thought you were gonna die!” (name) looks at him stroking his cheek. “I'm not going out without a fight. Now stop your crying. Im alive. And in a few days ill  be up and chasing you again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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