He did what!!!

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Flashback ends

Naira was in her thoughts of her Mendak and was looking lovingly at Mr.Froggy when she heard someone calling her. She looks up to see her brother standing infront of her with a angry expression. She was about to ask him what happen when he just took her teddy away from her arms and start looking at it like something is hidden in it.

N: Bhai what are you doing? Give Mr. Froggy back to me, she said while trying to take it away from his hands

Na: Mr. Froggy?, He asked looking at her face

N: Yes Mr. Froggy is his name

Na: Hahaha, Naira what are you? Five! You named the teddy and that too Mr. Froggy, he said laughing at her

N: Whatever, give it back to me. Vese bhi what are you trying to see, it's just a normal soft toy there is nothing in it

Na: Are you sure about it, he asked while looking at teddy again and pinching, probing it at different places like trying to find something hidden in it

N: Haan bhai, now give it back to me 

And with that she pulls it out of Naksh's hands but due to its size she was not able to just hold it and she falls back on the bed with teddy above her. Naksh laughed but didn't do anything to help her.

N: Bhai, help nahi karsakte the, she said sitting up again with holding Mr. Froggy in a hug

Na: Na, i know you could handle it and also i didn't want you going all; Bhai give it back to me, after the way you snatch it from me. 

N: Bhai, aap bhi na. You were probing and pinching Mr. Froggy, that's why i took him from you... 

Na: Haan haan, i know all your drama's so save it for other, he teases her

N: Bhai, subah subah kyun pareshaan kar rahe ho mujhe

Na: Subah subah nahi madam, its 10 am and I came because i couldn't wait to know how this happens, he said curiously pointing at her

N: How what happen?, she ask in confusion trying to see if she have something on her

Na: This, he pointed at he hugging her Mr. Froggy

She think what to tell him as he is the only one at home who knew about her fear and why she had it.  She can't lie to him because he knows her too well and wont buy her excuses and she can't tell him the truth not the whole truth atleast. She was thinking how to explain it all when Naksh shook her.

Na: Hello, kahan kho gayi? I know that Kartik has to do something with it but i want to know how he did it when i couldn't do it for years, he asked with little hurt in his tone

N: Kuch nahi bhai i was just thinking ki bataun ya nahi aapko. Because if i told you what he did, you might start liking him, She said knowing fully well that her brother might now hate Kartik more because he was able to something Naksh couldn't in years.

Na: Main aur us Mendak ko like, Kabhi nahi!, he said in matter of fact tone

N: We will see about that when you will get to know what he did. Also more than liking i think you might hate him more because it was a simple solution which you didn't think of

Na: Hating him more is always possible. Also madam you are forgetting i tried everything

N: Not everything

Na: Now don't waste time and tell me what he did, he asked getting impatient 

N: He made me watch the movie again

Na: He did what!!! ,he asked shockingly

N: He made me watch the movie again and i realized how senseless my fear was. Movie was not even scary, it was more of funny and stupid 

Na: Damn, why i didn't think of that? I hate this guy so much, he asked more to himself then her

N: See i told you this would happen if you knew, she said teasing him

Na: And howcome he asked you and you just watched it. With the kind of fear you have i don't believe he just asked you and you did, he asked changing topic from him to her again. Also he was really want to know how.

N: Damn ab bhai ko kya bolun, i cant tell him he was here when we watched it, she thought

Na: Kya chupa rahi hai, he asked suspiciously 

N: Kuch bhi nahi bhai and i did because he was on the call with me, she tried to cover up

Na: On call? But i do.n..t...

Before he could say anything more, they heard Mishti asking Akshara Naitik why they are not going inside Naira's room. They both had came with Naira's breakfast but when they heard Naksh asking Naira what Kartik did, they stopped as they also wanted the answer to this question and many others which is been going in their heads for a while now. Naksh and Naira looked at their parents whose expressions says that they heard the conversation but how much of it...

Here is the next part, i know no Kaira but hope you guys still like it. I will try posting next part sooner... Thank you so much for your comments and votes. It motivates me alot. Thank u so much to everyone who is & will read it. Never thought i would write, than it was a one shot turned into a ff and now its 17 parts. I myself don't know how i did it but i know its all because of you guys. Thank you & Love you all... 

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