Chapter 3

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Seth rounded the corner, “preatures daughter strikes again.” He said, and I got up, running past him. I could hear Richie following me, but I kept going.

This wasn't happening. There was something in me that was telling me to go back, to kiss him again, to let the kiss grow into something more, I didn't want to leave with my family....they weren’t really my family anymore. I felt closer to the Geco's. I wanted to stay with them, but I also wanted my family gone. I saw Richie and Seth throwing knifes, so I walked over.

“Why don't we make it interesting.” I said, seeing Richie eye me up with guilt covering his face. I walked over to the dart board, picked it up and placed it over my head, “Richie wins, you let us go.”

“And if he loses?” Seth asked, looking at his brother with a smile.

“Well then, I guess I'm stuck here.” I said, sass entering my voice once again. It felt so foreign, but then again, everything about this place felt foreign.

“No way, I'm not doing this.” Richie said, and I understood. He wanted me to stay, and I wanted me to stay.

“You don't really have a choice.” I said. He looked at me, a sad expression on his face before turning to pick up a knife. A man walked up, handing Richie an odd looking knife. Seth seemed angry and mumbled some stuff, but I just kept the board above my head. Richie looked at me, then threw the knife, I closed my eyes. I heard cheering so I looked up, he had hit the middle....I was free, but somehow it didn't feel good.

“Keys” Richie smiled, looking at Seth, then back at me.

The man that gave Richie the knife then forced us all to sit down. I wanted to tell my father that they were free, and most importantly that I wasn't going with them. I sat down beside my father and my brother, but I was distant and hostile.

“I won the keys back.” I said flatly.

My father looked at me, “good then we can all go home.” He said, a smile on his lips.

I looked away, not letting my eyes catch a glimpse of his face, “No.” I said, “you can go home.”

“What do yo mean?” Scott yelled across the table.

“I'm staying here with Richie” I said, but then added, “and Seth.”

“I won't have that!” My father said, grabbing my arm, “they kidnapped us, and now your going to be buddies with them? They could rape you!” He yelled slamming his fist onto the table.

I signed, “they won't do that, they aren't bad guys.” I said, “they aren't any worse than you.”

“They are crazy! Have you heard the shit Richie has been saying!?” Scott said.

I paused, “I believe him.” I said quietly.

“You what?” My father asked, “what's gotten into you?”

“Me and Richie, we are the same.” I said, but I knew my father wouldn't understand. I was 18, and I could do whatever I wanted. The law couldn't force me back into my fathers care, but that there was law in Mexico.

“You are nothing like that killer.” My father said, tightening his grip on my arm.

“Maybe I am.” I said, standing up and walking over to sit beside Richie.

“Hey.” He said as I sat down.

“Hey yourself.” I smiled, putting my hand on his shoulder.

“About before...” He said turning to me, I'm so sorry, I don't know what got into me.” He looked down at the ground.

I put my finger under his chin, lifting it, “I wanted it.” I said, kissing him softly on the lips, but then deepening the kiss. “I understand what you said before. We are both part of this, and I'm not going anywhere.”

He smiled, but seemed confused, “what about your family?” He asked, kissing me again.

“I'm done with all the lies, I want a fresh start.”

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