Chapter 2

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"You got here quick didn't you" I said opening the door to let Gerard into the house.

"It's my family we're talking about."

"Yeah, I guess it is."

I turned back to the table of guns that I had been preparing and got a full five minutes of work done before Gerard started on his question spree.

"Death's Angel isn't your real name is it?"

"No, it's an alias"

"Why would an eight year old need an alias? Why Death's Angel? Couldn't you have gone with a nicer name?"

"First of all I'm thirteen not eight. Second, Death's Angel is what my real name means just shortened, and it's what I am. Third, I need an alias because there are a lot of people who want my head on a plate."

He looked extremely confused. "Why do people want you dead?"

"My line of work."

"Ah. So what is your real name?"


"Who taught you all of this?"

"My family."

"Who in your family?"

"My parents, aunts, uncles, and my friends."

Just then my phone went off saving me from being interrogated anymore.

"I'm hoping this is important."
"No, just send it to me."
"Yes, thanks."
"Love you too."

"Who was that?" Gerard asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"My girlfriend, Ruby."

"Ruby doesn't seem like an alias."

"That's because it isn't. It's here real name. Now stop asking personal questions and let's go."

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter the next one is coming soon.

As always,

MissingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora