The First Fight

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Keith lay on his bed, still stewing about the fight he'd had with Lance. They'd fought before, countless times about stupid things, but this was their first fight as a couple, and a big one at that. Keith wondered if Lance noticed how the jibes hurt when his tone was so venomous.
'Maldito idiota' he'd heard over the com once the dust settled, that stung a bit, sure he didn't speak a lick of Spanish, but he had a vague idea as to what that was supposed to mean. And Keith spat back, 'shitty pilot'.

The fight was Keith's fault, he'd concluded that as soon as it started, or maybe more so now that it had ended. Lance was being what Keith (of all people) would consider reckless, his lion took some bumps, which would turn out to be no big deal. But during the battle it was all that Keith could think about, the worry making him feel physically sick. Lance was just too close, taking unnecessary damage and not responding over coms.
'What if he gets hurt?'.
'He's getting hit'.
'I have to keep him safe'.
'Why won't he answer me over the coms?'.

Keith rolled over, not wanting to think about it anymore. The fight they'd had back at the castle was a big one, loud and angry. They'd settled for name calling by the end of it. Not even Shiro got involved to mediate.

Keith's overprotectiveness had made Lance doubt himself. Lance hadn't taken into consideration how Keith might feel, he wasn't listening, and so couldn't seem to meet in the middle. The red paladin fidgeted some more, eventually drifting off into a fitful sleep.

He roused what felt like hours later to the feeling of something warm and heavy on his chest, he looked down to see Lance fast asleep, snoring lightly. He couldn't see his face, so he instead reached down and ran his fingers through dark caramel coloured hair. He was relieved a bit, though Lance hadn't said it, surely crawling into Keith's bed meant that he forgave him, at least just a little?

Lance started to shuffle a bit, stirring from his deep sleep. He looked up, and the two met eyes, saying nothing.
"Hey" Keith whispered.
"Hi" Lance replied, neither of them really knew what to say. They'd never had to make up like this before. The traditional way was for Lance to make a lame joke and flirt until Keith would laugh, then all would be forgiven. But there was more to go wrong if they didn't address this properly.
"We should talk about before" Keith whispers, trailing off a bit.
"Yeah" Lance says meekly, Keith hated that tone, it only came from Lance when he was upset.
"Can you go first?" Lance asked, resting his head back on Keith's chest, the boy continued to play with the mop of hair beneath him.
"I, uh. I'm sorry about before. I was being overprotective and not trusting your judgment. I think I was putting you first as a boyfriend rather than a team member. I was just getting nervous and I felt like you weren't hearing me" he says, the emotions he was feeling seemed out of place, he felt embarrassed and still a little angry.

It was quiet for a few long moment, and the two lay there, letting Keith's words float around the room. Lance spoke up after a minute.
"I'm sorry I wasn't listening. I was just- ugh. I wanted to, um" Lance was floundering a bit, trying to find the words to say, he seemed embarrassed too. It wasn't like him to be stuck for something to say. Keith rubbed his back, as if trying to push the words up and out of Lances mouth.
"It's okay, you can tell me" he coerced. Lance pushed himself up, now straddling his boyfriend. Looking him dead in the eye he took in a breath, determined to let it all out in one big go.

"I was trying to impress you a bit, I wanted to prove to you that I was good enough. The more you told me to 'hang back' the more I wanted to show you that I could do it. It was really stupid. I just look up to you and- um". Lance huffs once the unfinished speech is over, his cheeks are scorched red and Keith is stunned. Sure he thought that Lance was showing off, but he definitely didn't think it was solely to impress him. He felt his heart swell a bit, but he also felt a pang of guilt. 'Have I not praised him enough?' Keith thought, but the answer was obvious. He couldn't have if Lance pulled a stunt like that. Keith had always assumed that he didn't need to hear those things, he was always so confident. The guilt started to grow in size, looking at his tanned boyfriend above him, embarrassed and risking himself just to try and make him happy.

"Oh, Lance. I'm sorry, I didn't even think... I should have noticed" he says. Lance is about to respond, but is pulled down onto Keith, who kisses him hard. The tension seems to just evaporate from the both of them, floating out into space.

Keith rolled over, pinning Lance beneath him. Their breaths mingled and Lance clamped his arms around his neck. Keith pulled away first, looking over his panting boyfriend. It was silly to be so worked up over a dumb fight, but the relief was cold and soothing. Kieth decided that he would praise Lance whenever he could get away with it. No matter what it was, he'd do it as often as he was able.

"I'm sorry" Lance said, breathing the words out.
"I'm sorry too, you shitty pilot" Keith grins, watching a grin creep its way on to Lances face as well.
"Maldito idiota" he says.

The kiss that comes after almost tasted sweet.

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