Part 3

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= No title this time SORRY =
Smitty X Reader

(Y/N) Your Name

Smitty' P.O.V.

I decided to text Evan,asking him if I could hang at his for a little so I can have time to find an new apartment to live in. I stacked my boxes up,building a tiny fort in front of the apartment,I sat outside of it,waiting for a reply. I decided to check Instagram to see how my friends are doing,scrolling past most people,until I stopped to someone I don't see often. This must be (Y/N),she's stunning. Wait, why is it on Kryoz's page? I doubled tapped, liking the picture and saving it,I'm not weird I swear. I DMed (is that a word OH WHALE IT IS NOW) John,basically spamming him, since he never answers me.

SMii7Y: John x100
Kryoz: What Milkdick
SMii7Y: You dating (Y/N)?
Kryoz: hell yeah
SMii7Y: oh.
Kryoz: Smit you know I'm joking right.
SMii7Y: Okay goo-

- Text From Evan -
- Opened -
Evan: Yeah dude you can crash here..just don't make a mess.
Lucas: Thanks, sorry dude my girlfriend kicked me out :/
Evan: First of all that :/ face should be a :( if she kicked you out, and second why?
Lucas: She wanted money and I didn't give her any plus she has a new man.
Evan: that sucks, sorry man.
Lucas: Nah it's good. Now come pick me the Fuk up - Insert random Address-

I closed out of my phone,it's at 35% and it was at 60% that's nice. I waited about 20 minutes which felt like 1 hour,but soon enough Evan pulled up,popping the trunk. I threw all my boxes into the trunk with the help of Evan and hopped into the car with him. As I entered the passenger side and guess what, the apartment door opened and revealing my EX girlfriend. She looked at me,then the car, then at Evan. She was interested about Evan, she walked up to him, already getting touchy with him, ehh I felt bad for Evan. Evan had a look of distress and me being a somewhat good friend left the car and grabbed Evan's arm, pulling on it.
"S-sorry he's mine......" I Fking hate myself
I looked at Evan, smiling brightly, trying to make it look like we are in a relationship and it worked, surprisingly. We hopped back into the car, driving off into the sunse- this isn't a SMii7Y X Vanoss wtf - DONT BREAK THE 4TH WALL SMITTY!!! - okay okay. Evan drove us to his house, it wasn't to big or small, a perfect size for 1-3 people, we moved all the boxes inside and by boxes I mean like 10, 6 of them were clothes and the rest were...uh...things. I went downstairs to see an Evan making food, it was 11 pm, damb it got late fast, I sat down in a chair at the table,watching Evan.
"Evan, thanks again for letting me stay for awhile."
"No problem,Lucas. You can stay for however long until you get a place of your own."
"Thanks Ev."
"Don't call me that"
I was confused why Evan doesn't want me calling him Ev, I mean I've called him that many times, he even calls me Luc ( pronounced Luke :3). It's weird he doesn't want me calling that,but I respect him for letting me stay here after all.

Evan's P.O.V.

Having Lucas living with me for awhile is weird, I have to get used to this now and cooking a two people meal now. I finished cooking up spaghetti,laying it down on two plates,bring it over to Lucas to eat. I smiled at him,watching him dig in,he doesn't care about how neat he is, it's adora- wait what. I shake my head,grabbing my plate and heading upstairs into my office,eating and editing there. Once finished I headed down with the plate and phone in my hands,hearing a humming Lucas, he was washing the plate. I started to record Lucas on my phone, where he bursted out singing, must I say it was quite beautiful but he stopped as soon as I slipped on the last step.
"OH SHI-" I fell on my ass.
"EVAN?! Dude you need anything, I can get ice!"
Lucas ran to the freezer grabbing a frozen pea pack and helping me up, he walked me over to the couch and I watched him walked away and started to clean the mess I made.
After he finished cleaning up the mess I made, he walked back to me, asking my to lay on my stomach, which I did and that's when he put the freezing cold pack of peas on my ass, it wasn't pleasing. I heard him chuckled,seeing a bright flash of light,at that moment I rolled away from him,grabbing his phone.
     "BAD LUCAS!"
   "oH! Sorry!"
He stood up,trying to grab his phone,I held it up higher,toying with him. That's when I stopped when I heard a small pout that came from him,I felt bad,I didn't give his phone back but ended up kissing him. Kissing my friend Lucas,his lips were soft, very fully and had a rosy pink color to it. (Idfk I'm pretty tried.) I fell onto him,his back against the couch,my arms on both sides of him,we parted way catching a breath for air. I saw his cheeks light up a shade of pink,I smiled at him as my cheeks began to heat up as well. We caught each other's eyes,I saw his eyes shift away,I let out a sigh, getting his attention again. I pressed my lips against his,getting a taste of him once more, he pushed me away, I felt quite sad but relieved because I want more of him. I want more much more then you can ever think of.

Will Evan get what he wanted?
Is Lucas okay with this?
Did you enjoy this shit? No. No okay that's nice to hear. OH AND 1010 WORDSSSS WOWOOOO, I'll go home now.

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