the shy girl named kira

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My name is Kira and I'm shy to everyone I homeschool and never talk at all some time my mom thinks that I don't hear her say anything at all but to day I went out side and went to school today for the first time in all my life and my mom and dad said it was all right to go to school today but I tried to talk but couldn't at all today so a boy follow me home the school is for vampire but since I was half vampire and half wolf I would wear a hat that had hear for my wolf hears and the boy who follow me back home before I got there two boys came and then five and got me and toke my hat off and Sol I was a half wolf to they tried to drond me but my dad came and got me then went they see my dad they laugh at me because my dad was a wolf and my mom was a vampire so all I could do is cry I was so scared I could say any thing at all so my dad called my mom and she said she was on the way to get us so we sat down and I was still cry and cry and cry and at home I cried more and more then stop and went to take a bath and went to bed

the story of how I was half vampire and Half wolf Where stories live. Discover now