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Marcus P.O.V//

I wake up laying next to Lily and Brynn walks in.

Lily- im gonna get dressed so we can head over your house.

Lily leaves and I leave the room with Brynn.

Brynn- hey Marcus come here...

Marcus- is everything ok?

Brynn- I need to do me a favor it's important....

Marcus- Yes of course.

Brynn- Keep lily distracted.

Marcus- what do you mean?

Brynn- M-O-M

Marcus- oh. I will keep her safe. I will try my best to make her happier.

Lily- Marcus you ready?

Marcus- of course babe.

Brynn- Have an amazing sleepover!

Lily- we will!

We leave and arrive at my house.

Faith- so basically what we did earlier you didn't mean it?! You just used me?!

Martinus- no I didnt! I swear! I would never want to hurt someone!

Faith- well you did! This is saying a lot but now I want to go back to my family that tortures me just so I can get away from you because everyone loves you and not me!

Martinus- FAITH!

Faith ran into the bathroom and she has been in there for a while.

Lily- faith? Are you ok?

Marcus- faith?

Martinus- faith are you ok in there?

There was no response at all.

Martinus- DAD! MOMMA!!!! Faith...har ikke forlatt badet i det hele tatt.

Dad finally found a way to get in and he picked up faith and put her on the couch.

Martinus and I noticed that there were pill bottles on the floor.

Martinus- what have I done?!

Martinus crashes onto the floor crying...

Dad- she isn't breathing at all!

The paramedics get here and it's too late.

Sarah (paramedic)- it's too late. We have tried everything that we could have done.

Martinus- sooo...?

Sarah- I'm afraid to say this but she is dead...

{You Choose} // Marcus Gunnarsen <3Where stories live. Discover now