Chapter 3. Time Heals Slowly

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    Lucifer looked at the innocent purple eyed gaze of a cherubic female angel. She tugged on the tight rope holding his robe together. A smile works it's way on both of their faces.

"Play with me!"

"Meh...", Lucifer smirked turning away from the young girl. She pouted cutely at her upperclassman and childhood friend.

"Don't meh me! Play with me! I'm bored!"

"Maybe after I get off my shift.", Lucifer cackled ruffling the (H/C) messy mop his companion had. (Y/N) was a angel in training. Her trainer, and confidant, Lucifer was something she held dear to her heart.

Hundreds of years later, Lucifer fell from grace. (Y/N) at the time didn't know what to do, or what had became of her friend. Was he still the boy who cradled her, and played with her? Or was he one of those cursed demons she's heard so much about? Would she have to fight against him one of these days? It was too early to know for sure.


A laugh cackled across the
burning abyss. There were no such things as survivors at this point. The (H/C) haired girl flew over the village, scanning for the cause of such a disaster. Her purple gaze widened seeing an old accomplice of hers.

"Lucifer?! Where have you been?! I've been looking all over for you!", (Y/N) inquired perching herself on top of one the buildings' roof. The flames seemed to dance around them. Lucifer didn't look at her. In a second, a horrifying second, did he look at her. His amethysts eyes were wide with wickedness, and his toothy smile wide enough to show his gums. (Y/N) took a step back, fear creeping on her like the prey she was.

"Tell me, (Y/N), do you know what I felt when I stood beside you in heaven?"

"I-I", she yelped when this demon had placed his hands on her shoulders. Her shaking didn't cease nor did her whimpering. His tight grip seemed to warn (Y/N) that if she tried to move one inch, Lucifer could kill her in a instant. This was not the friend she knew. That was for sure.

"I hated you.", Lucifer replied boredly causing the one person he hates to stiffen. "You were so annoying with your constant whining, and yelling. I could have wasted my time with something else."

'What...?! Is that why he hasn't talked to me...? He h-hates me?'

"Oh, look at that! Such negative energy coming from a hopeless little girl. How pathetic.", a ball of violet light was shot right into the teary-eyed female's shoulder. (Y/N) let out a cry of pain. Lucifer laughed at the helpless shriek she made. More balls of light hung around him. The flicker they had became more erratic, signaling the time it will take for them to be fired.




(Y/N) blinked finally coming back to reality. The dark haired shift manager crossed his arms having enough of her daydreaming. Just looking at her superior's frown told (Y/N) that the (H/C) haired girl had to pay attention.

"Were you listening to a single word I said?"


"Then what did I say?", Sadao Maou, the shift manager of MgRonalds to narrow his red pools at his junior.

"P-Polish the windows?"

"That is correct. You are excused."

Ms. Kisaki, (Y/N)'s employer, and manager, blinked at Maou. The beautifully endowed teenage girl walked towards Maou. Making sure (Y/N) wasn't in hearing distance, Ms. Kisaki spoke.

"Maou, I thought you had asked (A/L/N) to sweep around the restaurant..."

"I did.", Maou smiled uneasily causing Ms. Kisaki to be even more confused. A frown etched on her elegantly beautiful face.

"Then why didn't you correct her?"

"Because she's having a tough time."

"A tough time? Did something happen?", The dark purple haired female asked, curiosity bubbling in her chest.

"I guess you can say that. Let's just say she was reunited with someone she hasn't seen in a long time."

"Is it that purple haired kid that stops by from time to time?"

   Maou's eyebrows raised before drifting his gaze to his co-worker whom was struggling to clean of a mustard stain. Her hand went from slow strokes to vigorous rubbing in 1.3 seconds.

"Are you a witch?"

"It's called woman intuition! Call me a witch one more time, and you'd be dead by now!"

"S-Sorry, Ma'am!"

A hooded figure takes entry through the automatic doors. Maou scowls knowing who this cloaked stranger is. Walking up to the male, Maou crosses his arms, and a sigh is let out.

"What are you doing here, Urushihara? I thought I told you that you should leave her alone?"

Urushihara grumbles while glaring at the demon king. There was no way in hell would this demon of royalty stop Lucifer. Urushihara needs to explain to (Y/N) about what transpired all those years they've been apart. The boy with purple strands of hair and amethyst gaze grasped his chest through his red plaid hoodie. His heart ached for the affection that he all so desired.

"You and I both know that if I continue to lie to her about this then it would hurt many people..."

"Are one of those many people you?", Maou smirked at the flushed expression his subordinate gape at him with.

"No! Don't be stupid! There are plenty of lives at stake--"

"What are you doing here, NEET?"

It took all the strength Maou had not to laugh at Lucy. Boy, did the great almighty fallen angel screw up. Not only did Maou know that Urushihara loves (Y/N), but now the girl thinks Urushihara is stalking her. I mean come on! This creep of a demon followed her home the last time they saw each other! What kind of guy does that?!

   Urushihara slowly turned around to see the dark aura (Y/N) had. Her glare was more terrifying than Maou's glare from before. Ya know, that time where Urushihara tried to help the devil out by selling his hard drive to that insidious company. Yeah, the glare was a lot more worse than that.

"(N/N)-chan... W-What's up?"

"Oh? Nothing much. Just trying to come up ways to kill a certain NEET."

    That right there did it. Urushihara stumbled out of the place causing strange looks from people he passed. Maou finally let out his fit of laughter earning himself a frown from both his manager, and newfound friend.

"Maou.", Ms. Kisaki started, making Maou stiff up like Plank the best friend who's made out of wood. Beads of sweat traveled down his head.

"Yes, Ms. Kisaki?"

"Will you please walk (A/L/N) home? I'm afraid she's going to cause a riot due to how pissed off she is."

"Fine...", Maou mumbled before going back to change out of his uniform.


References I made in this chapter:

Plank- Plank is an imaginary friend of the character Jonny from the Cartoon Network show Ed, Edd n Eddy. He's a block of wood with a face drawn on it.

Also I made a big mistake when updating this story. Apparently I had Chi talking to Maou about the reader in this chapter (to which I changed Chi to Ms. Kisaki to avoid confusion.) and then the reader meets Chi for the first time a couple chapters later. I can only say that I'm human guys. I can't remember what's going from half the time in my stories. That's why I'm rereading my fics, and editing them. Don't worry I'll update this story soon when I have the time. I've just been having a lot going on at the moment. Have a great day, Readers and stay safe out there!


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