Tough guy turned soft

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      3rd person POV  You were standing on the deck of the Going Merry when all of a sudden a loud crash came from the kitchen.  "Luffy, god dammit I told you no more food until dinner!" Sanji had screamed. You went to see what was going on and saw Luffy on the ground with a bruise on his face. "Sanji what the hell, I know he's hungry but there is no reason to beat him up!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, you happen to be the most mature straw hat, even more than Zoro, and not much phases him. "Would somebody like a smoothie?" Sanji asked with a twinkle in his eye. "No thanks, I'm good." you say sternly. Sanji's charms don't work on you, you're that cool. You walked out of the kitchen and went to your quarters.  while walking over there you saw Zoro, whom you have had a crush on since you joined the straw hats.When you passed him you slowed down a bit, not enough to be noticed, to all but Zoro, he's very observant. 

zoro's pov      I saw y/n pass by, I noticed she slowed down a bit when she got near me, and sped back up when she got farther away. I knew she liked me from the start, but I haven't done anything...yet. I followed her to her quarters, being quiet enough for y/n not to notice me, I knew she was probably tired from yelling at people today. I sat in the corner of her quarters and watched her sleep"Damn she's cute" I thought to myself.

3rd person pov     You had the greatest nap that I have had in years dreams of Zoro filling your head. You turned around to pick up your f/c trench coat off the floor and found Zoro sleeping quietly in the corner of your room. You put on your coat and watched him. Zoro looked like a big  muscular teddy bear.

3 swords 2 hearts 1 night  Zoro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now