Hidden feelings

190 9 4

"Wh-what the hell is going on here?
Izuminokami! What about me? Does this mean you don't want me?!"
Everybody in the room is staring but that doesn't matter. I need an answer dammit! He asked everyone in the second unit whether they would like to still work in the second unit. EVERYONE but me!! I can't take this anymor-
"Come with me"
W-what? Did I hear that right?
"You would help me a lot if you came. That night on the sea, if it hadn't been for you...I would've died"
Huh?! That's it? So he's asking me only because he feels indebted to me? Do I not mean anything more to him? I realized my dissatisfaction must be seen on my face so I quickly stood up and pretended it's all right now.
"Then, why didn't you tell me that sooner? "
At this Tonbokiri said, "Mutsunokami...When you look upon a table laden with food, you always eat your favourite food first, right? I think Izuminokami must be the type who eats his favourite food last. "
At those words I looked at Izuminokami for any reaction but he still has his expressionless face.
Horikawa added"Yes! He's right, Mutsunokami"
Yagen:"-You can't be honest, can you? "
Horikawa:"But that's just how Kane-san is."
Tonbokiri:"Perhaps it's that 'the closer you are...' or something like that"
Tsurumaru:"Hey that was really was really entertaining for me! "
After hearing all this Izuminokami couldn't take it anymore"Hold up. There's no way. I may have said that, but who needs a guy like this."
He stood up and said"I'm saying that I've no use for you! "
Ugh! Now he's seriously pissing me. I headbutt him and he too pushes with equal vigour.
"Let's hear you say that again"
"I don't need you!"
Exactly at the same moment both of our hands come up to grab each other's in a wrestle and we are all over the place trying to gain the upper hand.
"Why you-" before I could complete my sentence I tripped over the futon kept in the middle of the room and I fell along with Izuminokami on it. Of course the landing had to be the most cliché position and I'm glad that at some point during our fight the rest of the second unit had moved out of the room. Izuminokami was right under me, both our hands still clasped from the wrestle, and for some reason I couldn't stop staring at him.
His long hair splayed over the mattress and his blue eyes staring up at me...and suddenly I'm struck with the absurd thought that Izuminokami is the most beautiful person I've laid my eyes on. I couldn't help myself before I reached out my hand to tuck the stray strand of hair behind his ear. I am surprised to see him sporting a blush at my action (not that I mind it...it makes him look adorable! )
"Wh-what are you doing?!"
"Tell me honestly, do you need me in your team just because I saved your life?"
He averts his eyes and now his face is fully flushed. "Who said that? Don't just go assuming things! "
"So, what is the reason you want to have me?"
I couldn't believe his face could turn even more red than it already was.

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