oh yeah mr crabs

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Ok so language and ugly writing ahead, first story and it sucks ass.::


Y/n awoke in a cave, "fuuuck my head" the young female rolled around on the cave floor, sometimes bumping into some of the many coral rocks around  her. She raised her head a little,(h/l) (h/c) hair falling into her face. As she swiped the annoying strands away, her mouth went ajar. There in front of her, was a huge mountain of gold. She got to her feet,dusting off in the prosses. Walking twords the huge gold pile she started seeing more than just coins,golden armor, necklaces, swords, and vases could also be seen among shiny shells and other strange nicknacks. "Who throws all this stuff down here anyways" she questioned as she walked closer.Looking around for any human or creature, but to no avail, she was alone. "Great fucking idea toby" she hissed under her breath " let's go sail around in the fucking ocean,he says,it'll be fun,he says" she paces as she rants about her older brothers words. Little did she know she was not alone. and a creature was listing to her rant on..

Tamatoa's prospective::

"Fuck fuckity fuck fuck!" I hear a female voice call out. Who dares come into my cave yet again? I growl lightly,it must of startled the girl, a sharp thud could be and then yelling "FUCKLE MY NUCKLE DUCKLE" I chuckle lightly at the word arrangement.
I diside to confront her.

Your prospective::

I had stumbled back onto the cave floor yelling curses. Who was laughing at me? Suddenly the ground began shake and the mountain of gold started to rise,
Long stalk like legs clawed into the ground in front of me. There were 6- no..5 of them, one seemed to be riped off. Two huge claws showed next, the over all color looked purple with dark blue fadeing into the main color, hints of pink showed along with orange. The amazingly huge claws were bright orange and fadeing into pink,purple and then dark blue as well. Then The head of the huge,what I thought was a crab, showed it's self. A very strangely colored coconut crab stood before me his face had a smirk plastered onto it, his eyes looking at me questioningly.
"What have we here?"


WOOOOO CLIF HANGER EHEHEHEHE IM EVIL >:3 stay tuned for the rest of the story! And uh leave me some feedback! Did ya like part 1?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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