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Dinner started off really great. Lillian prepared a nice dinner for six people.
Each with a glass of red wine except for Lexi and Lida that had their glasses of orange juice.

"There was this massive fight at school today that involved almost the whole class to fight." Lida told the grown ups.

"Oh my gosh." Lillian gave a gasp and look at Arnold. "But this isn't the first time, right?"

"No." Arnold replied and place his arm behind Lillian that looked at Tracey.

"These things happens all around the world." Tracey agreed.

"Which reminds me, mom you remember Taylor? That red haired girl that use to come here on weekends." Lida mentioned as Lillian look at her and nod.

"Yes I remember." Lillian replied looking a bit curious.

"She came to me today and told me that her mom got pregnant again. With her dad's child." Lida said as Lexi almost spit out her juice. Lexi started coughing. "Oh goodness. You wanna die?"

"Lida, help your sister." Lillian giggled and watch Lida stand up. She go to Lexi and rub her back.

Lillian gave a giggle and look at Dean that looked at her at the same time also laughing.

She bite her bottom lip then look back at the twins same as he does when she looked away first.

"So, are you two like...okay now?" Tracey asked Lillian and Arnold. Arnold took his arm away from behind her sitting forward.

"Told you we have a way of making peace." Arnold replied giving a smile.

"So you're still doing the photoshoot?" Dean asked Lillian that looked at him immediately.

"Yes. I am." She replied and gave a smile that involved showing her teeth.

"What's gonna be the name of the book?" Tracey asked for the interest. "Do you know yet?"

"The wonder of women." Lillian replied and took a sip of her wine. "They called me this morning and...they're gonna hide my face like as if there's a shadow falling on some parts of my body."

"Isn't it gonna be awkward?" Lida asked as Lillian just gave a giggle.

"No. It's not like I should become Meryl Streep and pretend to have sex with someone for the cameras." Lillian giggled and run her hands through her hair catching Dean starring at her. "It's just subtle."

"What's subtle?" Dean asked and give her a smile.

A little blush came across her face as she look away to Lida that was glaring at her.

"Okay I get it. But are you gonna be comfortable doing this?" Tracey wanted to know and then looked at Arnold that just sat there. "Are you gonna be comfortable with that? Like are you still going be able to touch her?"

Lillian look at Arnold that looked at her as they both look back at the two waiting faces.

"Of course." She replied and then look at the twins that stood up and walked to their rooms.

"So when are you shooting this?" Tracey asked scanning Lillian's face.

"Tomorrow." Came the reply.

"That's fast." Tracey responded and sat back in her chair. "I'd never do it."

"Well, maybe that's because you're not. I'm not doing this for myself Tracey, I'm doing this for million, millions of other women out there that had survived, abuse, rape, hostage, health, motherhood, divorce and selling themselves to make a bloody living." Lillian said and then look at Dean that gave her an odd look. "It's not like I'm taking these photographs to become the next big pornstar of the year."

"Yeah but still, you're exposing your whole body." Arnold said as Lillian look at him.

"I'm not exposing my whole fucking body. I won't be on the cover wearing nothing. Children will see it so that's why they're changing the fucking idea. Get it." Lillian replied getting exasperated by these two that is so against her about doing this.

"Still it's gonna be naked." Tracey said scanning her face as she look at her then at Dean that sat forward about to talk.

"I think you're doing the right thing. People out there should know what a woman can go through." Dean said as Lillian felt a little more calmed and supported. "Plus, not all women have that courage to pose like that infront of cameras for other women. These days when you see a naked photo it involves abusing sex and screwing up the brain. You are very strong to do that."

"Thank you Dean." Lillian smiled as the two gave them an odd look. "And yes I do understand that it might have consequences on what others might think if I pass by but get this. They won't. Like I said, they're gonna hide my face completely."

"Yeah. I don't know why you guys are making such a big deal of it." Dean said looking at Tracey and Arnold.

"I don't want other men looking at my wife's body." Arnold said about to loose his temper.

"I did. So what?" Dean responded to Arnold that looked pissed off. "It's not like they're gonna sit back and stare at it while masturbating."

"You two were married. So you had to see her naked. But for the whole world..." Tracey started and got a little more louder than usual.

"Drop it Tracey." Dean said looking angrily at her. "Just because you take off your clothes for every single man you come upon won't mean she'll do the same just because of one photoshoot session. So stop it because you most certainly aren't better."

"Thanks for being such a husband." Tracey said angrily putting her glass down in anger.

"Yeah? Well thanks for this." Dean reacted back as Lillian stood up drawing their attention.

"You guys, drop it okay. This is my choice and...those who wants to support me, feel free. But if you can't...don't try to tell me what to do." Lillian said and look at Tracey and Arnold. "So let's just drop it okay."

She took her seat again in awkwardness looking down at her plate resting her face in her hand.

"So, are you guys free tomorrow night?" Dean asked with a big smile. Everyone including Lillian looked at him.

"I'm working tomorrow night." Arnold replied as Tracey just look down then back up at him again.

"I'm apparently not available. I'm having dinner with the CEO." Tracey replied.

Dean look at Lillian and gave a waiting smile.

"I'm just gonna be around." Lillian replied and took a sip of her glass of wine.

"O okay." Dean smiled and look down again before looking back at her that sat down her glass looking down awkwardly.

She look at him again building a connection that they both had to break before anyone had notice.

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