live on insta

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-jae hey king I say as I open the front door

-king hey jae I say hugging her idk why but she wouldn't let me go

-king eoah jae you gone let go she says no so I pick her up and we go up stairs I see she's on insta live I tell em heyyy

-jae why did king let go I just want him holding me more IDC that I was on live

-king i turn to jae she looks at me sadder than ever i hug her she dosnt look sad anymore

-jae king can i get on ur back i whined i jump on his back he says woah i look at him and laugh

-king i feel jae lean on my back we both fell on her floor the door was closed we were juss chilling on liveeeeee 

-jae king im bored i smile and my braces shine 

-king jae dont be bored i pick her up in a hug and spin around 

-jae king i say getting dizzy he puts me down i was about to fall he fell first guess he was dizzy to i fell on his lap he laughs and he says jae u need help i say yea he picks me up and sits me on my bed i lay across my bed he lays across my bed nxt to me i squeze his face and kiss him a little he turns to me i turned my live video off 

-king jae what were u doing u kissed me shhe shrugs 

-jae i sit on his lap he holds me in a tight hug i hug him back we slowly start to kiss 

-king she starts kissing me back i kiss her back 

-jae i stopped kissing him i looked up at him he looks at me i take his crown and put it on my head he takes it back we both laugh he gets to stay here for a week because his mom is going to a chapel church to work and it for a week tally rings my doorbell

-tally hey jae hey king 

-jae hey tally come in she told me that her parents kicked her out and jasmine left to cali with hr freinds she had all her stuff i told my mom on the phone cause she was all the way in tennesse gatalyn burg she said tally can stay with us i said okay and went to go find her a extra room

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