The arrival

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Arthur gazed out the window to his left as he lay in in a bad posture, half against the wall, and half on the ground. it was a sunny day, with only a few clouds across the sky. He sighed as he looked away into the shadows of his rather dark and quiet room. The only thing audible were his thoughts and frequent cries about his recently dead friend lewis.

After the accident, he and vivi had grown distant, mostly due to his lack of will to do anything. That lack only grew stronger with the passing time. He'd barely eat anything and would stay up until his tears tired him to sleep. He was pale and sick, and skinnier than before. The thought to eat, or even move, rarely crossed his mind. There was only one thing he could think about, and that was lewis. His sorrowful thoughts of the push and the pain of his arm being ripped off were vivid everytime he looked at his metal arm.

The blonde started to cry, giving in to his overwhelming sadness. He slid to his left, his head making a thud noise as he hit the cornering wall with it. His eyes shut for a moment as he cried "Lewis..." he kept his whimpers quiet, though no one could hear him. "I... think i'm giving up... i'll never f-find you..." he said in a small mumble as he continued to cry.

"Giving up?! I know you're better than that" spoke an unfamiliar and distorted voice. It was deep with a low rumble to it. Arthur saw green rings light up in the shadows of his room before he froze in fear, watching a monstrous green figure creep out of the shadows. Talons scraped the ground as it approached, eyes locked to Arthur's.

Arthur let out a scream of fear as he sat up straight against the wall, having cornered himself in the worst possible way, his right fist clenching his shirt as his amber eyes widen and stare in horror at the monster before him.

"I can help you find your friend, arthur" it promised, a drippy, yet wicked grin plastered on it's face.

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