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"Hey, we have the day off today, can we please go somewhere? Maybe even a stroll around town?" Michael pouts and whines.

"Yeah," I agree. "We've been working on the EP for a while now, we deserve a little break, don't ya think, Ash?"

"Yeah, I guess," Ashton shrugs with a smile. "Where's Calum, though?"

"Napping out of his boredom," snaps Calum, who just appeared out of nowhere. "So what's the agenda for today? What song are we re-recording for the hundredth time?"

"Actually, we're going out," Ashton smirks at Calum's sassiness this morning. "Get dressed. We're leaving in fifteen minutes."

We all split up, getting dressed alone. We haven't the studio in a week and a half, but we're adventurous boys, we need to go out and explore. I slipped on a tank and some skinny jeans and combed my hair slightly. I grabbed my phone and waited for the rest of the boys on the small outdoor sofa on our porch.

After a couple of minutes of reading random stuff on Twitter, following people, and tweeting things, the rest of my band, 5 Seconds Of Summer are finally finished.

"You guys are finally ready?" I smiled.

"Hey, this hair isn't perfect on it's own," Calum mocks in my voice as I laugh.

"Where are we gonna go?" Michael asks, acting just a teeny bit jittery. I don't blame him; I miss the sun too.

"I was thinking San Fran?" Ashton smiles.

"Yes!" I cheer. "We were going to go there no matter what you said, just so you know."

"Why do you love San Fran so much?" Calum asks me, as we all walk out the studio building. Our specific studio was like a home, so we lived where we recorded.

"It's a beautiful city, who wouldn't love it so much?"

"You're a weirdo," Calum sticks his tongue out at me.

We all hop into our small van, and Ashton orders our driver, Mitchell to drop us off at the beginning of San Francisco. He planned for us to walk around or take a bus for the rest of the trip. The drive was a little over five hours long from our studio, but luckily, we left in the early morning. It was noon now, and we were an hour away.

"We're spending the night in San Fran, then?" Ashton asks us, being the first to talk in more than an hour.

"Yeah," Calum declares. "I mean we all want to, right?" Michael and I nod at both Cal and Ash. Calum smiles at Ashton. "Then it's settled."

"We're staying overnight, is it alright if you pick us up tomorrow night?" Ash asks Mitchell. Mitchell smirks.

"It's not like I have a say in it; this is my job, Mr. Irwin." Ashton flashes a quick smile at the driver and goes back to looking at us.

"You know, you all suggested on leaving, but you're not even doing anything?"

"Excuse you, I'm playing Flappy Bird," I snap.

"And I'm replying to DM's, you know the fans love that," Michael adds on.

"Yeah, I'm looking out the window and napping some more; I'm not doing anything," Calum sighs dramatically.

There was less than an hour left until we'd get to San Francisco, and we were planning to spend about two days in the city. I planned on eating a lot, shopping a lot, annoying people a lot, singing for people a lot; just a bunch of random shit the lads and I can do while finally breaking from our recording.

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