chapter eight

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Special Thanks for the wonderful photograph for the cover. 

I'm sorry that I haven't up dated the story at once. i was busy with my photography works that i didn't have time to up date the story. 

And to those who read the story thank you very much. I never thought that you would read it. And to those who become a fan thank you.





Here I come! You better run!

You can't catch me!

Yes I am coming!


Isabelle is hugging Emily; she is not letting her go. She lifted her from the ground and hugged her tightly. 

"Now you can't go and run away from me," she smiled.

"Not fare! Bell you run like a cheetah," she giggled.

"Didn't I tell you that I can catch you? I do run like a cheetah. Rhhuuuuuaaaaahhhhrrrr," making a growl and nibbling on her neck.

Now Emily is laughing hard, "stop it tickles! Hahahhahah! I can't take it anymore."

Isabelle put her back on her feet. And let go when she find her balance. But Emily went back in her arms.

"What is it Emily?" Isabelle looking worried.

"Nothing! It's just that I am going to miss you that's all," forcing a smile.

"I'm not really going away. I will still talk to you and write you," tightening her arms around Emily.

"I know but it's not the same," trying not to cry.

"Well you can still have my Skype. So you can see me too," putting a space between then so Emily can look straight in her eyes.  

"But..." a tear slip from her eyes.

"There, there!" kissing the tear away. "Don't cry little one. I will be here on your birth day."

"But I just don't want you to come on my birth day I want you to be with me always ... mommy," she whispered the last word.

"I know I want to be with you always sugar plum. It's just that I have things to do and I can't always be here for you. But I want to be here for you. I want you to know that mommy loves you," pressing her cheek to her. "I need to go to school too you know."

"What? You're still going to school?" her eyes becoming as big as a watermelon.

"Yes I do go to school most of the time. I really keep things in balance. It's hard but well I need to especially now that I have a seven-year-old daughter," pinching Emily's nose.

"Hahahaha! But you forgot I am turning eight," laughing.

"Well your still seven. And I am a little strict than your daddy," she warned.

"Really?" doubting every word.

"I might not let you watch television if you don't brush your teeth. Or you will be grounded for a week if you don't do your assignments and skip school. And you can't have a boyfriend till twenty," forcing herself not to smile.

"Why can't I have a boyfriend till twenty?" she asked.

"Well simple, that's legal age. You can even marry the lad if you want to. Well if both of you would want to," she pointed out.

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