Yours To Hold {1}

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Staring out my open window I watch as the street starts to slowly wake up in this cold morning. Getting up I start to put on my school uniform which consists of a black skirt which is meant to be down to our knees, but every girl either rolls it up or gets it tailored to their thighs, a white short sleeved, button up shirt, which is kind of see-through so all of us girls wear something underneath and the top button should be done up for our tie but no one does that up, not even the nerds, a black tie that hangs loosely around the neck and a black jumper with a red and white stripe going around the bottom part of the sleeves and collar. Walking to my sock draw I pull out my knee high black socks and out them on. Closing my window I run down stairs to the kitchen and grab one of my dad's slices of toast, drink his orange juice, kiss him on the cheek and the walk to the front door putting on my black mid-length flat boots and grab my school bag and walk out the door.

Walking through the school doors, I smile at everyone I see and they'll either say a 'hi', hug me or smile. You could say I'm pretty popular around these halls. Every guy has at least come up to me and asked if I would go out with them. Opening my locker I grab my English extension and music stuff and walk to my homeroom.


I turn around and see my friend Alexis running up to me. Yes, Alexis is just my friend, not a best friend, don't have one of them. Alexis hugs me and then we both start walking to homeroom. She isn't in my homeroom, we just have it next to each other, actually, none of the people I hang out with are in any of my classes. Maybe it's because I'm in all extension classes and they're either in general or essential.

Saying bye to Alexis as we reach homeroom, I walk in and sit in my normal seat in the middle of the class. As I sit a guy with black choppy layered hair with his fringe covering his eyes walks into the class and sits right at the back. Now this guy hasn't asked me out before, and he seems familiar. Wait, that's right, he lives in the house in front of mine and I always see him skate to school on his skateboard. Geez, what was his name? Alan? No... Aaron? No... Adam? N-YES! It's Adam! That's it. He's cute, don't know why I don't see girls swarming him, then again, I don't see him with anyone. Alright! I have made my mind up! I'm going to make a true friend, not like the girls I hang with, and Adam is the person that I'm going to be friends with. Picking up all of my stuff, I walk over to Adam and sit in the empty seat next to him. He looks up slightly but I still can't see his eyes, I want to know what colour eyes he has. I smile at him,

"You shouldn't really have you hair covering your eyes, one might poke you" I said.

He just stared at me and then moved his head back down. I frowned,

"I'm Charlotte" I said trying again,

"I know who you are, everyone does" Adam said barely a whisper.

I frowned again, this guy just doesn't want to talk. Okay then, I shall follow him, I know he's in most of my classes. Just as I was about to say something else, our homeroom teacher came in and told us all to shut up.

When the bell rang, everyone quickly left the class to go their 1st period while Adam just took his sweet time. Following him out the door, I walked next to him as we went to our English class. As we were walking, everyone just kind of stared, I guess it isn't kind of 'normal' for someone to walk with Adam. I notice Adam look at me a couple times but when I go to look at him back, he quickly turns his head. Reaching English, Adam walks to the back of the class and sits in his usual seat.

"Char, over here!"

I turn and see Ellen waving her arm around. I normally sit with her but like I said in homeroom, I'm going to be with Adam. Smiling and shaking my head, I walk to the back of the class and sit next to Adam. He looks up, just like in homeroom and stared at me,

"What are you doing?" He asked,

"Sitting next to you" I said shrugging and opening my English book to a new page.

The bell went for second period and I stood up and collected all of my stuff. I turned to Adam, who was doing the same,

"See you at recess" I said and waved as I walked out of the class.

Entering the music class I sat on the floor and waited for the music teacher to come in. Mr Stewart finally came in and sat at his chair,

"Alright everyone, I have a new assignment for you"

Everyone groaned as he said this and I groaned along with them,

"Don't worry, you all have until the talent show"

Now that was a long time, the talent show is always at the end of the year.

Everyone stared intently at Mr Stewart as he explained on what we have to do. We need to write a song about what has happened this year, it could basically be about anything. I lay on the floor wondering what I could write about but nothing popped up into my mind. Before I knew it the bell for recess had rung and everyone rushed out to get to the canteen or just get out of the class. I sat up and grabbed my books and skipped to my locker. Opening my locker I put all my stuff away and get my recess out of my bag and walk around the school to find Adam. Five minutes have past and I still can't find him. Maybe he's hiding from me.... Nah. Sighing, I walk back to my locker and grab out my book that I write random crap in and one of my pencil cases that has all of my coloured pens in them and walk to the back of the school.

Once I get to the back I see a figure leaning against the wall with their head on their knees. Walking closer I see the familiar choppy black hair. Staying quiet, I walk over to him and sit down next to him. I un-wrap my roll up and start eating and quietly open my book to a new page and grab out a pen. From the corner of my eye I see Adam look at me,

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Eating and sitting next to you" I replied trying to take a bite from my roll up but it was too hard, so I kept on pulling and finally with a loud snap I brake a piece off and hit the back of my head against the wall,

"Owww" I mumbled and rubbed my head.

As I was doing this I heard a slight chuckle and I immediately stopped and looked at him, He stopped too and stared back,


I smiled,

"You laughed, but sadly it was at my pain" I mumbled the last part.

He just rolled his eyes and then rested his head against the wall. This guy seems to have alot of problems, I can tell with my awesome senses.

Turning away I press my pen against the clean page and start writing.

'It's hard to trust someone, when everyone you ever opened up your heart to, has let you down and pushed you away.'

Thinking of nothing else to write, I close my book and look at Adam, who was looking at me,

"When's your birthday?" I asked randomly.

He looked a little surprised,


"Cause I want to know"

"June the 18th"

"Dude! That's like this Friday! What you gonna do for your birthday?" I asked excitedly, I'm gonna have to find him a present.

"Nothing" was his simple one word reply.



And with that, the bell rang.


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