The Tinkerbell Effect: Chapter One

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A/N: Okay so this is chapter one!  Hoope you like it and please oh please tell me what you think!? :D

Chapter 1

     “Kira!  Looking good girl, why don’t you hit me up?” Jason Hale, school quarterback and unofficial retard, cooed at me for the third time this week.  A quick look to the left displayed a hint of deja vu as he arrogantly leaned against his mustang, hands crossed and hair hard as straw from the pound of gel it’s saturated in.  His buddies egged him on as usual, failing to hide their smirks with their hands.  I only gave him that one look and a limp wave as I moved by and into the entrance of the school.  This is normal routine for me:  wake up, get dressed, go to school, get hit on, go to class, get hit on, have lunch, back to class, get hit on, go home, get texts from people I don’t know, go to sleep, repeat.  You know, your pretty standard day.

     This school is the most complicated in format that I have come across so far.  Halls upon halls of students and classrooms and lockers slap you right in the face when you come in.  It took me two weeks before I didn’t have to ask for help anymore.  But that is what happens when you move to a new family every two years.

     I weave my way through the crowded hall to my locker and grab my textbooks, holding them against my hip.  They aren’t that heavy, but it still is a pain having to hold them all day.

     Hearing my name, I turn to see Loewen coming towards me.  I smile at her and shut my locker door, meeting her halfway.  Loewen is my best friend.  My only friend.  She is the exact opposite of me in appearance and personality, but that’s what draws me to her.  Auburn curls bounce across her shoulders and shining hazel eyes greet me with optimism.

     “Hey Kira,” more than anything, I love her raspy voice.  Compared to my own high pitched tone, she always sounds mellow and calm.  She averts her eyes to my hip where my books lay and throws up her hands in exasperation.

     “Will you please go buy a ten dollar backpack already?” she asks, taking a couple into her arms as we walk to first period.  I shake my head at her for what feels like the millionth time.

     “For the last time, no.  They are mass produced products made of cheap material that-”

     “Does nothing but degrade the planet from unnecessary fuel emissions and put money in the government’s pocket,” Loewen interrupted, looking over at me when she finished, “I know.  But you can’t rebel against everything, you’ll end up coming to school nude and hurt humanity more by raising testosterone levels to its tipping point.”

     I laugh at her and give her a nudge in the side, but do not deny her point since, well, she has a point.  Either way, she isn’t going to change my mind anytime soon over the matter.  Not just backpacks, almost anything mass-produced is undeserving of my interest.  Loewen often calls me a tree hugger, which I despise.  The term is degrading and makes it sound like a bad thing to care about the environment, especially in its current state.  I’ve been an environmentalist practically my whole existence and am proud of it.

     The classroom is full by the time Loewen and I arrive, leaving minimal choices in seating.  We make our way to the back near the window.  I get a few cat calls which I ignore and sit down, light shining in from the window and hitting my face.  It feels nice on my skin so I take my light jacket off and hang it on the back of the chair so the sun hit my bare shoulders too.  Some horny looks have me rolling my eyes as I straighten out the light green blouse.  

     Despite my strong morals about the environment and society, I am a terrible student. Teachers, lectures, homework... they don’t interest me as much as it probably should.  Not that I don’t like learning, but I think it is the pressure from teachers and my foster parents forcing me to do well that puts me out of sync.  The guidance counselor says that I am a smart person, I just have problems ‘applying myself.’  What a load of bull. 

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