new friends.

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It's been four days since J pulled his little stunt on me. Ever since then, Harleys been on me 24/7. Not gonna lie though, I do enjoy her company. She can get rather annoying at times, but always has her own way of making up for it. Since tomorrow is my 18th birthday, Harley as decided for me that I can't go downstairs. Not that it even mattered though. I wasn't allowed to even leave J's room anyway. Those were his orders. I slept on small twin sized bed in the far corner of the room. Every night Harley would sneak in and curl up with me. We would talk and make jokes about random stuff.  Even tell story's, it was kinda like a sleep over. Except for Harley getting in trouble for it in the morning after J would find out. He wasn't mad that we were getting along, he just drew the line at some point but Harley would always end up crossing it at some point without even thinking about it. I found it quite amusing how J would fuss at harley and harley would just stare and nod with her hands behind her back. She never listened to what he was saying. She was just replaying weird cat memes in her head  over and over until he finished. She would be looking around the room as if she was following something.

It comedic gold in her eyes. J never understood why she looked so lost, yet so amused at the same time when he yelled at her. But I knew, because She told me. She said a small and cute pop tart cat would fly around the room whenever she got in trouble to keep her from getting upset or sad. She went on about how she wished she could frame it and keep it forever. So I asked her what goes on in that pretty little head. She told me what exciting things go on in there. Sooooo... I took the privilege of photoshopping it for her and framing it for her. All I had to do at this point was give it to her.



"ok so you remember when I asked of a description of what goes on in your head."

"Ummmmmm. Lemme think."

I gave her time to think. She looked so concentrated. Her face was scrunched up and she was looking into thin air.

"YUP, I remember."

"Ok good so you remember how you wanted to frame it, right?"

She repeated this process again, until she remembered.

"Yep! But one question."

"Yes, harley"  

"Why is this so important to remember?"

"Because I took the liberty and pride in making YOUR wish come true."

Her eyes lit up with excitement and disbelief. I ran to my bed and pulled out a large flat box from underneath it. it was covered in blue and red glitter. It was the almost the same size as J's TV. And he had a huge TV. She quickly ripped off the paper with enthusiasm. Her eyes widen with joy.

"I know its not much

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"I know its not much. I know I suck at photoshop but I tried my best and I hope you like it-"

I was cut short of my speech about how bad I suck at photoshop with a tight embrace my harley.


"no problem harls."

Sorry I'm late on this chapter hopefully if I have time I can do another today also. Thank you for reading and stay sharp my beautiful sinners. And as always bu bye!😂😘💋

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