2: There's No Lyin' to Brian

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"Jackie, was it?" Brian began, his grey eyes cold and unforgiving.

"Yes," Jackie smiled pithily.

"I'll be short, succinct and to the point: What precisely are your motives for being here?" Brian's voice was tired and drained.

Jackie was about to just be forward with him. Frankly, sir, I want to fuck the boys senseless. She chuckled softly to herself, imagining Brian squirming in his seat and his face turning a bright shade of crimson if she were to go that route.

"I'm just a girl in need," she replied meekly, attempting to channel a shy, innocent schoolgirl by twiddling her thumbs and avoiding eye contact.

"A girl in need, huh?" Brian almost stifled a laugh.

Jackie nodded briskly, "Yes, sir! I promise I don't mean any harm! The last thing I would want to do is hurt the poor creatures! After all, they have such beautiful spirits, such fragile egos to protect!"

Brian apparently was not buying it, "Hm, I don't believe you..."

For a brief second, Jackie felt a pang of frustration. What was it going to take to get through to the stubborn manager?

Suddenly, she noticed a framed photograph on the edge of Brian's desk. It was a picture of him and some strange, unknown man; they both had goofy grins on their faces. They almost looked...

Eureka! Jackie almost said aloud. She noticed straightaway that Brian's expression dropped and rapidly turned to fear and anxiety when he saw that she observed the picture. No wonder he had been immune to her charms. She knew she had him now.

"Who's this?" Jackie asked with a small smirk as she grabbed the frame.

"N-No one! P-put that back! That's private!" he stuttered, sweat rolling down his brow.

"Is he your..?" Jackie looked up at him, a devious twinkle in her eye.

"That's none of your business!" Brian fumed, his face now red.

"Gosh, it would be such a shame if that got out, wouldn't it?" Jackie posed, her voice tinged with excitement at knowing his secret.

Brian's eyes widened in pure horror, "You wouldn't..."

"Maybe I would...maybe I wouldn't. Now, can I stick around?"

"That depends. Can you do work?"

"Oh, I don't do work," Jackie waved her hand dismissively. "What I am particularly good at is getting what I want. And when I don't get what I want, sometimes I just blab to the press on a whim..."

Brian's eyes widened again. It was then that he realized this was a game he could not win.

"Do we understand each other, Mr. Epstein?" Jackie asked with a wry smile.

Brian rubbed his eyes and nose fiercely, "Just...do whatever you want and get out of my sight!"

Jackie nodded gleefully and, in a flash, she was gone.


With that annoying obstacle out of the way, Jackie set her sights on her next victim.

Nah. Paul was too easy! She needed more of a challenge.

Her gaze shifted to the shortest Beatle. Ringo was very cute with his bright, blue eyes. Jackie was surprised he didn't get more attention from the other girls. But she knew he would be the hardest to crack because he was the happiest in his marriage.

"Want some company?" George suddenly appeared in front of Jackie, his long fangs showing through his grin.

Jackie beamed. I guess it's George today, then.

"Why, yes, Georgie, I'd love some! Would you mind grabbing something for me under there..?"

"Under where?" George's thick brows raised in confusion.

"Under my wear," Jackie answered, her voice irresistibly tinged with seduction. Wasting no time, she grabbed George's hand and guided it under her blouse.

George blushed as his fingers lightly grazed the bare flesh on Jackie's chest. Looking up, he noted her twinkling eyes and simpering gaze.

"It's bad enough you get to go to second base with her, man, but you have the nerve to do it right in front of us!?" John's horrified wail interrupted their moment.

"I didn't mean for it to happen, mate! First she asks me to grab something and then next thing I know I'm grabbi--"

"Yes, we know! We're seeing it!" John countered.

Bashfully, George retracted his hand as Jackie smoothed out her blouse.

"Now, now, dear Jackie, you're almost hurting my feelings here!" Paul declared, shoving John aside. "What's it going to take for me to get a piece of this action!?"

"Sing me a song," Jackie ordered.

"Oh, dear, what can I do, baby's in black and I'm feeling --"

"A song you wrote. For me," Jackie clarified. "I want it by tomorrow!"

"Done!" Paul accepted Jackie's challenge with enthusiasm. With a wink, he added, "And I gotta say, I love the teacher angle!"

"You'll find that I have a lot to teach you, Paul..." Jackie narrowed her eyes, enticing him, tempting him.

NOTE: So, a slightly shorter chapter and still only have a vague idea of where I'm going with this, but hey, it's an update! Hope you're enjoying and please let me know what you'd like to see next! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2019 ⏰

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