Share My Pain

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I don't understand why she hates me. How bad can I be? I do my chores, I go to school, I get good grades, but it's never enough. The door she shuts, the chains she locks, the gun she cocks. Mother never seemed to love me, how bad can I be? Father left, but she never cried, not one tear ran down from her eye. I shed enough for both of us, she never seems to care. I cry and scream in misery, the chains cut into my skin. Can blood rust metal? Am I mental? I can't seem to tell. Mother, please, why do you hate me? How bad can I be? You made a mistake, forgot to lock, dare I knock? I am not the boy that lets you toy with my soul anymore. Did that make me a bore? I'll take the candlestick, heavy and thick, and pierce your heart. I'm surprised you even have one.

Jack be nimble
Jack be quick
Jack jump over
The candlestick.

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