Ch4- LUPIN!!!!!!!!!

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Rian's POV

"Come on Julia, we're gonna be late!" I yell.

"I'm coming, just one more minute!" Julia yells back.

"Ugg, Just hurry up!" I say. Julia runs down the stairs and we start walking to the Great Hall.

"Hey, we never found out who the DADA teacher is." I say.

"Omg you're right. I wonder who it is?" Says Julia.

"Maybe Snape got the job and someone else is doing potions." I say.

"Nahhhhh, he would've gloated about it, anyway Natalie would be super depressed. Snape is her favorite teacher." Says Julia.

"hmmm, I wonder?" I say. we make the rest of the trip in silence. We walk through the doors and immediatly recognise PROFESSOR LUPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"OMG, Julia It's Professor Lupin! He's the new DADA teacher!" I say.

"Where have you guys been, you missed the announcement of our new DADA teacher" said Natalie.


"Well duh." said Natalie. Julia and I sit down at our table and natalie sits down at the Slytherin table.

"Hey Julia guess what class is first today???" I say

"DADA?' guessed Julia.

"Yup but it's with the Slytherins" I say.

"Oh well" Julia replied

Natalie's POV

"Hey La'Neise, we've got DADA with the Gryffindors first." I say.

"Ugg" says Draco.

"No one asked your opinion Draco" says La'Neise.

"Doesn't mean I'm not entitled to one" he shot back.

"Guys just whatever. Eat your food and then we've got DADA" I say. I get up and head to Lupin's classroom. I can't stand to listen to Draco's annoyingness and La'Neise's constant bickering. I take a seat in the back and get out my quill and paper. Then I grab my book "The Fault In Our Stars" and start reading while I wait for everyone else. Soon the Slytherins and Gryffindors file in and sit down. Julia and Rian sit next to me and we begin talking as we wait for Lupin. When Lupin finally arrives he says

"I'll excuse some of you for being late if you excuse me for being the latest." We all smile trying hard not to laugh. Lupin introduces himself and begins to teach us about some crazy creature with a name that's hard to say. Just as Im about to doze off I see Julia put her hand up.

Julia's POV

I'm sitting here in Lupin's class and all of the sudden I get the urge to raise my hand.

"Ms. Lochinbough? What is your question?" asks Lupin

"Well Professor, I was wondering if you'd sing us a song?" I say.

"What! Sing you a song! Where did that come from?" says Lupin taken aback.

"Just sing us a song pleeeeease!" I say.

"No I'm not going to sing a song" Says Lupin. Suddenly out o nowhere I start to sing

"Lupin can't sing, Lupin can't sing, Lupin cannot sing! He only reads books and he cannot sing! Even if he's reading a How-To-Sing book." then Natalie, Rian, and La'Neise join in

"Lupin can't sing, Lupin can't sing, Lupin cannot sing! He only reads books and he cannot sing! Even if he's reading a How-To-Sing book."

"I can to sing I just don't want to...Now stop this nonsense at once." says Lupin.

"Come on guys just stop" says Hermione. Then the four of us stop singing about Lupin and start singing this

"Hermione can't draw, Hermione can't draw, Hermione cannot draw! She only reads books and she cannot draw! Even if she's reading a How-To-Draw book!" Then the bell rings and Rian, Natalie, La'Neise and I start running as a furious Hermione chases after us.

A/N this was a short chapter but it was fun! Hope you liked it! A special thanks to wrestle_crazed_chick (Rian) and Dr_nat_who_lie (Natalie) for the idea! The next chapter will skip ahead to the first quiddich match. In the comments post who you want to face each other and the winner will get a dedication!

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