Phanfic Prompts?

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Hey anyone who's following me and actually cares to read this! 

I'm not expecting loads of people to comment on this, or read it for that matter, as I'm sure not a lot of people really care much and I don't have a ton of followers, but I thought I'd make this just in case someone enjoys my style of writing and would like to see something specific from me.

Before you comment, just know that I'm not in any way promising that I will write your prompt. It's possible I will but I don't have hours of spare time to be writing. If the prompt doesn't really capture my interest then I probably won't write it just because I feel that my writing is better if I actually enjoy the topic. So please don't feel like I ignored you or hated your idea if I don't write it or maybe I slightly altered your original idea, I just didn't see myself being able to write that plot to my standards.

Some things I don't write are: smut scenes (I'm just really awkward about writing that), I try to steer clear of things needing a trigger warning, and Transgender fics (just because I'm not super educated on the topic and I really want to avoid offending anyone, I'm not transphobic)

I'm going to be more likely to write prompts that are fluffy because I enjoy that, but I also like to write things with sad endings, I know I'm a terrible person.

So if you have a Phan AU, a oneshot prompt, or a plot idea you would like to read from me you can comment on this, or message me privately if you so desire, and there's a possibility I'll write it if I have the time and the inspiration.

I will tag you at the start of the fic to credit who gave me the inspiration.

Have a lovely day/night phandom :)

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