Ch. 15

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Everywhere I look I see death. Bones surround us, as if all the bones from a graveyard have been dug up. The men have their guns at their sides, ready if anything happens. We walk in silence, to afraid to speak as if something were to hear. Weaver looks around, occasionally taking photos of the bones. Mr. Randa starts to take pictures of the skeletons with his flash camera.
    I notice Conrad stop and crouch down. I follow his actions, but once I'm close enough to where he is, I see an enormous footprint, making me gasp.
    "What could have made a footprint like that?" I croak.
    "A skullcrawler perhaps?" Conrad questions. He looks away from the footprint and meets my eyes. "Don't worry Andy," he says while putting his arms on my shoulders. "Anyway, didn't Slivko already say he's gonna protect you?" I look up to my brother's smirk with my mouth open. My face begins to heat up only making his smirk bigger. Man! Sometimes I hate having an older brother.
Suddenly a massive explosion occurs, causing me to lose my balance. While getting up I see Mills and Cole on the ground.
"Watch those fumes!" Randa yells then mumbles something to himself while taking another photo.
"Let's go. We gotta move!" Packard states.
I run over to Cole and Mills to see what caused the explosion. Mills explains that Cole was being an idiot and decided to light a cigarette, and when Mills told Cole to put the cigarette out, Cole dropped it, causing the explosion. Well lesson learned. I just hope that the explosion didn't alert the skull crawlers that we're here.
I then go to catch up with Slivko. Only, once I do, I hear a noise in the distance. It sounds like an earthquake because the ground trembles and the bones around the "graveyard" shake. A loud screech tears through the air, deafening us. I reach my hand out for Slivko's, terrified out of my mind of what will happen next. Slivko grips my hand tightly, as to say "I'm never letting go of you". We hear another screech, but before we can tell what was going on, Marlow yells "Run!"
Everyone, everywhere, starts to run in all directions. Packard and a group of men hide within a skeletons head. Marlow, Slivko and I hide behind a bone, sticking up from the ground, across from where Conrad and Weaver were hiding. I move closer to Slivko if that's even possible. I snuggle into his chest, tears threatening to come.
The skullcrawler comes up behind the bones where we're hidden.
"I told you this damn place was a no-no." Marlow states looking towards Slivko and I.
It sticks its nose through the gap and begins to retch. It's breath is so horrid I feel the need to vomit. The skullcrawler continues to gag until it barfs up a bunch of junk that it consumed. I hear a clicking noise on the ground where the skullcrawler barfed. Looking at where the sound came from, I saw the skull of a human with a chain, similar to the one Slivko wears for the military, around the head. The skullcrawler continues to gag until it shakes its head and walks away.
I quickly turn away from Slivko, getting on my hands and knees and start to throw up. Slivko grabs my hair and holds it for me while I vomit. After puking literally everything I ate and drank today, I wipe my mouth and hug Slivko.
"Rally up! Rally up!" I hear Colonel Packard yell. I stand up only to notice the military is in its battle position. Everyone weary of their surroundings.
I observe that Randa is having trouble with his flash camera. He turns the camera towards him only to have two flashes go off, blowing his cover. He looks me straight in the eyes "Oh, shit."
Out of nowhere the skullcrawler bites Randa's top half of his body. I scream so loud that everyone faces me and the skullcrawler continues to shake its head with Rand inside its mouth. Within seconds Randa is swallowed by the skullcrawler, his flash camera still going off, making the skullcrawlers skin flash. The military are shooting their guns along with my brother.
"Randa!!" Brooke screams.
The skullcrawler finally turns away after completely devouring Randa.
"Set up the 50!" Colonel Packard yells. One of the military men grabs a huge gun and climbs on a triceratops skull. As he is setting up the gun the rest of the military position themselves for another attack. Everyone holds their guns like it's their life. If the gun were to drop, the men would be dead. Marlow holds his sword while Weaver and I are completely vulnerable.
In the distance we hear the clicks and see the flashes of Randa's camera. The skullcrawler is close. It has us surrounded. A growl escapes its mouth, sending shivers down my spine. I look over to see Mills, only he's not the happy Mills I remember. There is pure terror in his eyes.
The clicking is coming closer, the flashes are becoming brighter.  Marlow wheels his sword, ready for an attack. The flash comes closer to Marlow. I move closer to Weaver, scared about what's to come.
Suddenly out of the fog, the skullcrawler runs toward Marlow. However Marlow is to fast and moves out of the way. But before the skullcrawler gets away, Marlow cuts its leg.
Everyone begins to run after what Marlow had done and the "50" starts to shoot the skullcrawler. However the shooting didn't last long. The skullcrawler rammed its head into the triceratops' skeleton, sending the military man flying. Before the man hit the ground the crawler grabbed him with its tongue, pulls him inside its mouth, and eats him whole. It then starts to charge toward Weaver and myself. We run for what seems like forever, while the military are shooting at it. Weaver and I come across more bones, probably the ribs of one of Kong's parents, and hide beneath them. The skullcrawler sticks its head through the bones, snarling at us. A scream left both Weaver and I's lips.
Out of nowhere the skullcrawler becomes lit with flames from a blowtorch the military brought. It becomes distracted enough for us to make an escape. I start to run towards Slivko only to get hit by the skullcrawlers tail, sending me flying. I land roughly on the ground just as an explosion goes off, sending me once more, to the sky. I hit my head on something hard when I make impact with the ground. Darkness starts to consume me, but I don't let it, at least not yet.
To my left I see Slivko land on the ground hard, from the explosion. He is out cold.
"Slivko! Andy! Gas!" I hear Conrad yell. The toxic gas erupts, causing a bunch of pterodactyl creatures to fill the sky. Their screeches burn holes in my ears.
The pterodactyl creatures start attacking the men as well as the skullcrawler. The men continue to shoot through the chaos. Marlow uses his sword to slice through the birds.
"Marlow! Sword!" I hear my brother say. I crawl my way towards Slivko, trying not to breathe in the gas. In the distance I see Conrad grab Marlow's sword and a gas mask. He puts it on quickly and charges throws the gas while slicing a ton of pterodactyl creatures in half. I finally reached Slivko just in time to see him wake up. I look back to see Conrad slice through one more pterodactyl before revealing his face from the mask.
"Slivko, Andy! Hang on!" He states running over to us, jamming the sword in the ground. He runs over to me first. "Andy are you ok?" I nod and motion towards Slivko. Conrad just gives me worried eyes but goes to help him. I pick myself up and wrap my arm around Conrad while his other arm was supporting Slivko.
"This thing's moving!" Packard yells. I look up to see the skullcrawler racing towards us. Letting a scream escape my lips I hide my head in Conrad's chest.
Weaver then comes out of nowhere and throws a lighter at the skullcrawler. It lands on the ground making a huge explosion. The impact of the explosion sends us flying backwards. We land on the ground. I'm next to Weaver, who is groaning on her back in pain. I lay on my side, trying to catch my breath. However the sight before me makes me get on my hands and knees. I begin to vomit from seeing the skullcrawler flaming red from the fire. It is dead.
I look over to Slivko and notice he's still passed out. I crawl over to him.
"Slivko?" Nothing. "Reg!?" He mumbles something but I can't hear. "What?"
"I said I'm sleeping." He smiles. I help him sit up and give him a huge hug.
"I thought I lost you." I whimper.
"You didn't. I'm here to stay." He pulls away from the hug and connects our lips. "I love you so much Andy and nothing in this world can part us."
"I love you too," I say with a raspy voice.

Wow guys longest chapter ever!!! Thxs guys for all your reads and votes! It means so much to me that you like it!
A special thxs to my friend Ashley for helping me edit.
Enjoy reading!!!!!!! 🤣

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