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(Ethan POV)

I smiled to myself after he left the room. My roomate is such a weirdo. I don't know why he left in such an odd hurry. I had half a mind to call him back just to watch him make all sorts of expressions again. That was one of the funny things about him. That even though most of the time he remained expressionless, the times that you caught him off guard left him easier to read than a kid's pop up book. I sat up and looked down at my shirt. I smiled again.

A few days ago I had been doing laundry and he had come in looking for a specific shirt. He had just finished showering and stood in the doorway waiting for me to toss him his clothes. He had been bracing himself against the top of the doorframe effectively showing off every muscle on the top half of his body while the towel around his waist had never been more obstructive.

It wasn't the first time I had thoroughly appreciated what he had to offer, but for some reason this time it was different. I didn't just follow the contours of his arms or the lines along his hips; I looked at the firmness in his jaw and his tilted smirk and his eyes without their glass barrier and I couldn't stop this small feeling of longing that bloomed somewhere in the center of my chest. It was super weird.

Especially when I stared for too long and he coughed and said, "Dude." I blinked rapidly and went back to the laundry baskets and thrust a shirt at him without turning back around. "Thanks," he said. I didn't look back at the doorway until I heard his bedroom door close. I leaned against the washing machine and closed my eyes.

I wasn't stupid. I knew I had a thing for him. Had probably known for a while if I was being truly honest with myself. At least I think that's what this was. But what was I supossed to do about it? I wasn't about to tell him, especially not when even I didn't know what the hell was going on. I'd have to do some more exploring, some experimentation. I looked at the basket at my feet and swiped the blue and white flannel at the top. I grinned to myself as I held it close. If there was one thing I liked doing it was playing games.

And now back in my room wearing that shirt I regretted nothing. I had wanted to see how long I could stay with him, how long I could stay this attached without it being weird. I had been able to breathe him in and hold him close during the challenge, but there was hardly any time to truly appreciate the body I was feeling. I was surprised he had actually agreed to carry me up here after it was all said and done. I would have assumed he'd be tired of treating me like a backpack.

I got off the bed and looked at myself in my full length mirror. The first button of the shirt was undone from when I had offered to return it. I tilted my head sideways, I was glad he had let me hold onto it but I wondered why he had turned as red as a California sunset when I had started taking it off. I mean it wasn't anything he hadn't seen before.

I popped open another button and let the shirt slide off the tops of my shoulders but still hang loosely on my body. I eyed myself in the mirror, I didn't often think of myself as super attractive, if anything I thought literally everyone else I knew was ten times as physically appealing as me. And there were times when I was really feeling myself. But right now the mirror was giving me a whole new look. I looked almost sensual, kind of like those girls in the American Apparel ads. I decided to test the theory further and took off my pants.

Tyler was bigger than me resulting in his clothes being larger than my normal size. The shirt was hanging just below my hips. I chuckled at myself; I looked very Tumblr, all I needed were knee high socks and a flower crown. I turned to see my profile, the shirt was barely covering my ass. I wondered if this would be useful to me. Would he like this? This is a thing guys like right? I never had a girlfriend do this, but does it work the same if it's a guy? So many things to fool around and play with.

As fun as this new adventure was going to be I was worried that in the end he would be scared, or disgusted or even downright hate me. I wanted to do everything right to give myself the best possible outcome. Even if that outcome was complete rejection. I hugged myself. It was going to be a dangerous dance if I chose to continue going down this route, but I can't just leave myself without answers. It would drive me insane.

I closed my eyes and remembered the heat that spread from his fingertips into my thighs and up into my stomach while he held me. The soft brown curls I could nuzzle into, although I think it might have bothered him because he tensed every time I did it. The way I could press myself so close to him, enough to feel his heartbeat right beside my own. I put a hand to my heart, I could have sworn they had been in sync.

I opened my eyes and saw my reflection again. I was being ridiculous. Here I was thinking up all these schemes as if my friend was someone to play with. I should be ashamed. I was behaving like some love sick junior high girl. I did some semblance of a sexy pose, cocking my hip and tilting my head like I had seen Instagram girls do. I grinned, I may not be twelve and in love but it was sure fun to pretend.

"Hey, Ethan, you coming downstairs?" Tyler said from just behind the door. I'd meet them downstairs for editing later, for now I was having too much fun. I tried a different pose this time holding the shirt in front of me, my finger in my mouth. Jesus Christ, if the internet could see me now. I couldn't stop laughing at myself. If I was a chick I could make a kick ass model.  I cooed, "Please daddy," at my image. I cracked up. All those fanfictions that put me in a submissive BDSM role with Mark or whoever else they could think of would shit themselves if walls could talk.

I wiped my eyes from the stray laughter tears and went to find my pants again. Only, when I turned around Tyler was leaning on the doorframe like he so often does with the biggest grin on his face. "Holy shit! How long have you been standing there?!" I scrambled for my jeans while he just stood there with his arms crossed, oh so obviously enjoying himself. "Long enough," was his short answer. I could feel my face morphing through fifty shades of red as I turned away from him and got dressed.

This was it, I'd never live it down. It was different from wearing japanese school girl uniforms on camera for laughs, this was private and therefore a little more real. I was hesitant to turn back around but when I did he wasn't at the door. Instead he was walking right up to me. He lifted my shirt up to my shoulders and began buttoning it back up. "You're fucking weird," was all he said as he smiled and adjusted the collar. Was that it? No teasing, no smart ass commentary? I followed him to my door but before we exited he said over his shoulder, "If you wanted to borrow my stuff you could have just asked. You look good."

A warmth spread in my chest much different from earlier and I tried to decipher it as he went down the stairs. I smiled before following. I guess I could play a little while longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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