Untitled part1

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Sasuke POV

I sat beside Sakura in my lounge room, watching a movie called Warm Bodies. She snugged up to me as I wrapped my left arm around her shoulder, she hasn't been herself for the last few weeks and I don't know why, she wants to be around me a lot more than normal I mean she is clingy but recently its got worse. Don't get me wrong I love her,

''is everything okay?'' I asked her.

''yes everything's fine,'' she told me, but I've known her since we were five and know when she lies.

''Sakura I know when somethings wrong tell me,'' I say as I paused the movie, she sighed.

''it's just my parents,'' she tells me,

''what did they do?''

''they're making me do something,''

"Like what your parents aren't that bad,"

"They're making me marry,"

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