My life...

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It was through my mother that I was introduced to the Christian faith and eventually our whole family committed our lives to the Lord. When I was a little, my niece and I used to go to Bible School, attend activities and have memory verses. My niece (she used to be my sister) and I became very active in Church activities and ministries as we grow older. I was serving in the church but never really had a chance to cultivate my relationship with the Lord. I never really understood what it meant to be a follower of Jesus. In high school, I became curious about relationships. I entered into same-sex relationships. My family were so upset and been so disappointed with me. Not just once, but it happens for many years in my high school life. But I broke up with a person when I realized that it was wrong. After high school, it happens when my sisters (I grow with my elder sister) sell me into marriage with a rich man. My family likes him for me because he was wealthy. I was being manipulated and controlled. My life was completely a mess. How can I marry a man I don't really love? Just because he was rich? My life would be miserable, I guess. But they haven't gotten the chance to force me since I'm a bit stubborn. Because of that I no longer have a good relationship with my sisters anymore. During College, I was influenced by my friends to drink alcohol. I was living a double life, serving the Lord actively while doing worldly things. Living with so much guilt and an unhappy life. This lifestyle continued when I started to get into a relationship with a non-believer. I don't really have a strong relationship with him since I only need a companion who would understand me emotionally and would be able to defend me against my sisters. My short-term relationship with him was completely miserable. The relationship didn't work out since he became very manipulative, obsessive and controlling too. We have a lot of differences. He's too much worldly but I'm an opposite. It's in my mind not to commit premarital sex since I was raised in a very conservative family. He started harassing me, so I ended our relationship. I broke up with him and let me tell you about this, I was nearly raped. He was getting insane and make a lot of trouble when I don't want to get back with him anymore. He went to jail because of me. My family outcasts me knowing I was giving them a lot of trouble and distress. That I was no good at all. I was always lost and confused with my life and don't know what to do. I felt so empty and useless. I was at my lowest point, I was so vulnerable and depressed. I thought this is the best idea to end my life, to end my suffering. I committed suicide. But my conscience would like to clear it. There's a woman who lifted her voice and wept. Telling me how she loves me, and how did this happen to me. There in my life, a soft-hearted woman who'd always intentionally talked to me and pray for me. She was like the voice of the Holy Spirit. And that was my beautiful MOTHER. She eventually encouraged me and helped me in deepening my relationship with Jesus. She's the ONLY person who believes in me when nobody does. God used her to make me realize how important it is to cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus, and that His grace and love for me is always available in spite of what I have done in the past. It was in church that I re-committed my life to Christ. In 2014, the Lord used this time for me to mend my broken relationship with my family and me, myself. It was also during this time that one of my friends in church introduced me to some people who were attending church as well. It was also through them that I learned about live stream worship services, youth camps, and Bible study groups. I started to watch worship services on youtube and eventually joined a Bible study group. It is amazing how God orchestrated events in my life. That my mother and one of my churchmate encouraged me to cultivate my relationship with Jesus. And help me grow in my faith. As Galatians 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who despise my past." He has loved me unconditionally and has forgiven me completely. After all the things I experienced, I learned the importance of abiding in Christ and surrendering my all to Him. God is using my past experiences as I disciple people. Most of them, youth who went through a similar journey as I did. And by God's grace, some of them are already discipling other people as well. I am Georgia Bocanegra, a recipient of God's amazing grace. Transformed by the power of the cross of Jesus Christ. Passion for God. Compassion for People! I am called, Redeemed, Blessed and Favoured by the Most High GOD. To Him belong all the honor, glory and praise. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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