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   Gibby checked the time frequently. It was 11:57 p.m., and he was very excited. He couldn't wait for midnight. He tossed and turned in his bed, anticipating the moment where his dreams came to life.
   Gibby flipped up his phone again. It was 11:58 p.m. He inhaled sharply as he saw the minute pass. He watched another one go. It was now 11:59.
   Gibby waited for what seemed like hours before he finally saw the time flick from 11:59 to 12:00 am. He tore the blankets covering him off of his body and threw open his bedroom door. Gibby crept down the stairs, not wanting to wait any longer.
   He stumbled quickly down the steps, tripping over his own feet in his rush. There by the front door, he knelt down. He swiped around on his phone, quickly finding what he needed.
   Ocean Man.
   Gibby frantically pressed the button to play the song, scooping up sand tracked into his household in his hands. "Ocean man, take me by the hand!" He sang loudly and joyously, stuffing sand into his mouth by the second.
    This was a special night. Oh yes, this night, Gibby ate more sand than he could ever dream. Ocean Man had blessed him this night.
   Yet soon enough, the song ended and Gibby knew he had to return. Wiping a tear that it was over, Gibby stood back up and tiptoed back up the stairs, though there was nobody else in his household.
   Nobody except for faithful Ocean Man.
   Gibby walked in his bedroom and shut the door quietly. He did not want to disturb Ocean Man. He lay back in his bed, smiling.
   Gibby sure did love midnight snacktime, and he couldn't wait for the next.

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