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"Come on,Sam." He ushers me along.There we stood,in the walkway connecting the plane to the ground.Once we boarded the plane,we would leave the safety of land behind.Far,far behind,Or rather,far far below.

As my acquaintance,Tom,proceeded to walk towards the open doors of the plane,I suddenly froze.It took a good part of me to not let his knees buckle.Oh god.I hated planes.

Why did I have to visit my Aunt Lily for her birthday?Why did we have to travel hundreds of miles across the ocean to celebrate her getting older when the trip would take years off my life?I didn't even like Aunt Lily!Okay,I did like Aunt Lily as a treasured family member,but that's beside the point!

"Oi,Mate.Move aside."an irritated foreigner voices from somewhere behind me.I nod in apology,turning around,mumbling something like,'Sorry,yes.....' as I stumble forward grudgingly,trying to ignore the urge to throw up in the nearest trash can.


We settle into our seats,I,of course,seating myself uncomfortably into the isle seat.Sitting next to the window?Don't make me laugh.I felt like doing anything except laughing.My face pale,My eyes wide,I calmly state,"Tom,did you bring the plastic bags?For my,Er...."I trail off,and he nods in understanding.He places a hand on my shoulder consolingly while his other hand fishes around in his carry-on bag.

"Don't worry,We'll get through this,pal."he says,"You've done this before,you'll do it again."I didn't feel encouraged at all at that statement,however.I shoot back,"Yes,Once I projectile vomited all over my phone.And the other time,I merely fainted."

We exchange looks,and he says irritatedly,"Okay,If you don't want my consolation,then you won't get it,'Kay?"

I shrug passive-aggressively.I reach into my pocket,Fishing out my earbuds.I grab my iPhone(NotSponsoredISwear) from my knapsack as well.Before I connect them together,Tom places a hand on mine."Uh,you can't,uh,use your phone on a plane,Sam."

Oh yeah.That rule.Dammit.


Oh god,oh god,no,no no no no nO.

In case you can't tell,the plane is taking off.I can feel every bump and crevice as the plane shudders and gains speed.I start to hyperventilate.Tom seems to have expected this,keeping around my shoulder,so that I don't punch the waitress or anything like that.

Sweat drips down my face,and I feel the plane take off.I screw my eyes shut,not believing that this was happening.'I'm going to die,'my thoughts scream.Just as I start to calm down,I hear voices from the seat behind me.

"Wow,daddy!Are we really flying?"a child's voice sounds from the back with excitement.
"Yes we are,Jimmy!Can you believe that?We're going to be thousands of feet up in the air!"the supposed father says.

"Whyyyy....."I groan,as Tom whispers words of comfort,but I can't hear those 'It'll be okay's and the 'Don't worry's over my own thoughts.He rubs his thumb in circles around my back,As I try my best to calm down.

Moments later,I collapse back into my seat,the tension in my muscles easing as I fall back in sheer exhaustion.

God,this is going to be one long flight.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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