Charter 1: The Teenager With No Future Plan

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New story guys! I think that this is the one, other than The Bucket List, that I'm most excited to write. I have the entire story line planned out, and I really hope you like it.

Dedicated to @Wintery_OmegaXx1335 for coming up with the title! (It was the part where I couldn't figure out what to do) Give her a huge thanks!

Well, as always, I hope you like it!

Who let the dogs out? Who let the dogs out? ME! Let's get this thang star-ted!

Make room for Chapter 1: The Teenager With No Future Plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Round of applause, everyone!



Sorry, studying for my test tomorrow.

I shook my head, sighing as I peeled off my sticky gym clothes. What use was field hockey ever going to do me if I didn't like it? Even math was better than gym. Seriously.

I shoved my purple Nike shirt and matching shorts into the small locker, pulling out the high waisted black jeans and a yellow crop top that said 'smile' in big, bold, black sequins. After slipping it on, I turned to my best friend who was standing in front of me, smiling.

"Hey, Dri," she smiled at me, looping her arm through mine. 

"Hey, Luce, ready to head to the cafe for whatever the school has planned?" I asked her. The principal had called a surprise meeting in the cafe, and hadn't told us much about it. All he had said was that all juniors and seniors had to participate. And me, being the responsible senior I am, was running down the hallway with my best friend to get there on time.

"Hey, Dri, Luce! Wait up!" Lucy and I stopped in our tracks, turning on our heels to see our two other best friends.

"Hey, Jace, hey Brent," I said, grinning at my other best friends. Lucy just waved, looking for someone in the crowd.

When she saw him, she waved her arms around like a madwoman. "Carr! Over here!" She was referring to her boyfriend, this we all knew. Jace's face fell a little, running a hand through his light brown locks. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it. His green eyes disappeared behind his eyelids, shaking his head.

Lucy ran over to Carson, whom she called Carr, oblivious to Jace's feelings. Brent, of course, being the cheerful guy he is, tried to lift Jace's spirits.

"Hey, man, don't worry. Forget about her. I can make you feel better," Brent said suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows. Jace rolled his eyes, letting out a short laugh. It's really funny when Brent hits on guys.

Which he does all the time. Like, seriously. But it's expected.

Just so you know, Brent is the gayiest of the gays.

Yeah, I just made up a word. I'm boss like that.

I focused my attention back to my friends, nodding slightly in acknowledgement of Carson. It wasn't that I didn't like him, it was just that he had quite a reputation. He was well known as the bad boy.

No, he doesn't smoke or do drugs. You think I'd let my friend be with that kind of guy? Nuh-uh, my BFF is staying away from them.

I laughed as Brent smacked Jace's butt, causing Jace to yelp and leap nearly three feet in the air. He glared at Brent, but eventually cracked. Brent's the kind of guy you can't be mad at. He's just so dang cute in a little kid way. 

Ignoring the, you know, height and weight factor, and the strong arms and muscles.

Yeah. Such a little kid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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