chapter 1

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Well, here. Been working on this ever since I FINALLY got the movie.

Plus, idk.
Thinking of doing a Little Nobody x reader thing. Idk 🤔🤔🤔🙄🙄🙃

Anyway, in later parts, there's going to be long moments with you and Deck 🙄


The plane to Nowhere was rather long.
Mr. Nobody informed you that your family was being rounded up to the hidden location, after their mission.
Including Cipher, a cyber terrorist.
You honestly didn't know that was a thing. Who fights behind screens?

He also made sure you got a private section of the plane to yourself. You didn't mind either way, but he wouldn't let you off about the offer until you said yes.
And normally, you would fall asleep in the bed, letting the smell of it relax you to sleep. With a light blanket and all.

But this time, you couldn't.
The very thought of your brother who went rouge shook you to your core. Shocked, so that you couldn't sleep. You knew you were going to be tired at the landing, for sure.
The comfy bed you laid on, didn't help. You tossed and turned until you finally settled on your back, staring at the ceiling with an obvious look of disbelief.
And only one question on your mind.



After your land, you walked into Nowhere, tired. Stifling a yawn, you nodded at the security guard who let you in the place.
Straight to the room where held your family and the others.
Your gaze lay upon the floor and somehow, you still found your way.
Once in the room, you didn't look up until you saw a glass door and let yourself in.
That's when you set your posture straight and looked up to see your family. Relax a little in their presence.

The first thing your gaze fell on was two men sizing each other up.

"So, if I get a shot to take her down, believe me, Flex, I'm taking it."

You almost froze right in the doorway at the British voice. All of the people in the room had their attention on them, watching the quarrel. None of them seeming to notice you yet.
Your mind worked a fast rate.
Mr. Nobody knew Deckard besides Hobbs, found Dom with almost no flaws to his objective. So you got onto Mr. Nobody's plan to have both men to catch Dom.

"You're taking my boot up your ass, is what you're taking." Came Luke's quick reply as they both got closed in on each other.

Both big and intimidating, but neither backed down. Which is what you exactly expected.
You almost worried that the room would look like as if a mad bull messed it up in just a matter of seconds.
So you rushed towards the pair as Mr. Nobody opened his mouth to stop the fight from happening. Speaking before your boss as you walked towards them.

"Guys, guys. Stop it." You stepped in with a cool attitude about it. Everyone seemed surprised at your sudden appearance, though they knew you were coming. The only that didn't seem to expect that was Deckard. His eyebrows were raised up, looking at you before they went on to meet Hobbs' glare. You got between the both of them. "The fastest way to find Cipher is through my brother. Now aside from my good boss, Mr. Nobody, there's only two men in the world that ever managed to actually track him down with any success.

And guess what." You raised your voice to be firmer and louder once you saw the bubbling fiery inside of Deckard and Hobbs intensify. And made sure to have that threatning "take no shit" tone to know that you mean business. This wasn't the time to play games, you were all going to catch Dom. "They're both standing in front of me right now. So like it or not, you two are gonna work together. You got that?"

Deckard Shaw x Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt